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Category Archives: Hypocrisy

Mathematically Impossible

Mitt Romney finally released his tax plan. To nobody’s surprise, it consists largely of cutting taxes by cutting marginal tax rates by 20% across the board. But Romney also promises to reduce the deficit. In order to simultaneously cut taxes and reduce the deficit, Romney is going to have to cut spending. A lot of […]


Silver Spoon

I don’t have a problem with Mitt Romney being rich. I have a problem with him lying about being rich. Back during the primary, Romney kept getting in trouble for acting snobbishly rich. Like when he talked about his friends who owned NASCAR teams, but especially when he tried to make a $10,000 bet with […]


Romney Praises a Government Take-over of Health Care

While he was in Israel, Mitt Romney praised their healthcare system for keeping people healthy while keeping costs low. How does Israel do it? Through aggressive regulation of the entire health care system (not just health insurance), requiring all residents to have health insurance (the dreaded individual mandate that Romney says he opposes at the […]


The Damage Done

Sanford Weill, the former CEO of Citigroup, has a change of heart: But is it too late?


In the Tank

The US military has lots of M1 Abrams tanks — more than 2,300 deployed around the world, and 3,000 more in storage at a remote military base in California. But they have a problem — the M1 has a flat bottom that makes it vulnerable to improvised explosive devices (IEDs) that are so popular in […]


Short Sighted

As if it weren’t bad enough that Republicans were deliberately blocking bills that would help the economy, in order to win elections. We almost expect that of them. But this is the height of cynicism and hypocrisy. Ohio’s Senate race is neck-and-neck, with progressive Sherrod Brown pitted against Republican Josh Mandel. Mandel vocally opposed raising […]


Stumbler in Chief

Despite my opinion of Mitt Romney, I always thought that at least he is more intelligent than our last Republican president. But now I’m not quite sure about that. Romney is in the middle of a trip to England, which is supposed to show him acting like a statesman. It also helps that the Olympics […]


Tightwad Obama

Republicans have repeated the lie that Obama is a big spender so often, that even some democrats believe it. But the fact is that federal spending under Obama has increased at the lowest rate since Eisenhower wound down the Korean war. Adjusted for inflation, federal spending under Obama has gone down. Even not adjusted for […]



DC Douglas makes fun of Romney’s latest attack on Obama: As usual the Romney campaign edited Obama’s words (splicing out “roads and bridges”) to make it sound like Obama was dissing entrepreneurs and claiming that they didn’t build their own businesses (when he was actually saying that they didn’t build the roads and bridges they […]


Revenge of the Internet

As someone who has been working with the Internet since close to the beginning, I almost blew a gasket yesterday when I read an article in the Wall Street Journal by Gordon Crovitz claiming that “Contrary to legend, it wasn’t the federal government” who invented the Internet. The article was meant as a slap against […]


GOP Jobs bill more likely to kill people than create jobs

After promising to concentrate on creating jobs after the 2010 election, Republicans are finally tearing their attention away from abortion, gays, and other social issues and are pushing a bill that they claim will create jobs. There’s just one problem. In fact, economists say that the bill won’t create any jobs in the next three […]


Read My Lips, No New Taxes?

The vast majority of Republicans have signed a pledge to not raise taxes, and have repeatedly claimed that letting a tax cut expire is the same thing as raising taxes. That’s why they are insisting that Congress extend the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy, even though those cuts were intended to be temporary. However, […]


Qualified Answer

© Jim Morin And even if you believe he had no involvement in managing the company, he founded it and picked the people to run it for him. So what kind of president would Romney be? © Kevin Siers


Michele Bachmann, Islamist Terrorist Supporter?

I’ve been trying to avoid writing about Michele Bachmann under the theory that doing so just feeds her sick need for attention, but this is just too funny. Bachmann has been getting headlines recently because of her crazy charges that the federal government has been infiltrated by the Muslim Brotherhood. It is bad enough that […]


Lack of Transparency

© Anklejive Republicans kept hounding Obama to release his birth certificate, even after he had already released it. So I’m happy that at least a few Republicans are asking Mitt Romney to release his tax returns from before 2010: “There is no whining in politics. Stop demanding an apology, release your tax returns.” — John […]
