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Category Archives: Hypocrisy

Are Republicans Really Fighting Voter Fraud? No, They Are Committing It.

The Republican Party has been waging a loud and destructive war against voter fraud for years. They defunded ACORN, and more recently Republicans have passed voter ID laws that will make it more difficult for 10% of the US population to vote. All in the name of fighting voter fraud. Meanwhile, some people have noted […]


Fox Shoots the Messenger — Themselves

In the face of overwhelming polling data that shows Obama with strong leads in both the popular vote and in the electoral college, Fox News naturally goes on the offensive, claiming that all those polls that show Obama ahead are insidious propaganda from the obviously liberal media. The only problem? Fox News’ own polls show […]



Today, Scotts Miracle-Gro was sentenced to pay a $4 million file and perform community service for “illegally applying insecticides to its wild bird food products that are toxic to birds, falsifying pesticide registration documents, distributing pesticides with misleading and unapproved labels, and distributing unregistered pesticides. This is the largest criminal penalty under FIFRA (the law […]


Wealth doesn’t trickle down – it just floods offshore

According to new research, the world’s super-rich are taking advantage of offshore tax havens to the tune of between $21 to $32 trillion dollars. Yes, trillion. To put that in perspective, that’s more money hidden abroad than in the entire American economy. This is a double whammy to economic growth and recovery. Not only does […]



Matt Taibbi has a brilliant article in Rolling Stone “Greed and Debt: The True Story of Mitt Romney and Bain Capital” that goes into considerable detail about how Romney’s company, Bain Capital, actually made money. Lots of money. The Democrats have attacked Romney and Bain Capital, saying that Bain shipped jobs overseas and made huge […]


The Hardening Truth

© Adam Zyglis The Republicans say that Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan will tell us the “hard truths” we need to hear. And they they turn around and say they are going to cut taxes, balance the budget, save Medicare, and increase spending (especially for the military). It is like a fairy tale with an […]


Ryan’s Recall

Does Paul Ryan have a memory problem? For example, just before being named as Romney’s running mate, Ryan suddenly amended his financial disclosure statements to add an income producing trust that is worth between $1 and $5 million. Members of Congress are required to disclose major financial holdings, but Ryan claimed that leaving the trust […]


People in Glass Houses?

© Matt Wuerker The inventors of Swift Boating are accusing Obama of running a negative campaign? Because they are pressuring Romney to release his tax returns?


Critical Thinking

In 2009, Republican legislators in Kentucky passed a law that required testing of high school students to evaluate if those students are ready for college. That sounds very good! But now the results have come back, and some members of the GOP are upset because the test requires the students to have a good knowledge […]


Get out the vote, or throw out the vote?

“That’s the price you pay to prevent something that doesn’t happen.” But my favorite part is the legislator who designed the bill even brags about it allowing Romney win the election. At least he’s transparent!


How Not to Argue with Reality

Facts are stubborn things. The GOP game plan with facts seems to be to make some up, then repeat them so many times that people start to believe them. And usually the media lets them get away with it. But CNN’s Soledad O’Brien actually challenges these falsehoods! OMG, a real journalist? But it is interesting […]


Pro-Life Obama v. Romney

[I am reprinting this article by Nicholas P. Cafardi from the National Catholic Reporter in its entirety because it is perfect. It is beyond hypocritical that politicians regularly claim they believe in one thing, while their actions directly support the opposite. And shame on us for letting them get away with it. — iron knee] […]


Figures Never Lie, But Liars Always Figure

Mitt Romney is running a TV ad in Florida, blaming Florida’s dismal 8.6% unemployment levels on Obama and complaining about “105,000 Florida jobs lost”. But if you look on Republican governor Rick Scott’s website, you see a slightly different message. The governor is taking credit for the same 8.6% unemployment level, saying that it is […]


Vaulting Ambition

© Jim Morin Considering that Mitt Romney’s father said politicians running for president should release 12 years of tax returns, and that Mitt himself, when he was running for the Senate against Edward Kennedy, called for Kennedy to release his tax returns, that there must be some really embarrassing reason why Romney won’t release his. […]


Miller Time

After the whole Valerie Plame mess, I’m surprised that anyone would give a job to Judith Miller (or even listen to anything she has to say). But I’m not surprised that it was Fox News.
