Sunday, November 11, 2012
Florida’s Republican Secretary of State Rick Detzner cut the number of early voting days from 14 to 8, in a fairly blatant attempt to reduce turnout for Democrats. Former Republican governor Charlie Crist said “the only thing that makes any sense as to why this is happening and being done is voter suppression.” Even former […]
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
The conservative organization “True the Vote” was trying to place election observers at precincts in central Ohio, mainly “focusing on African American districts”. But the local election board discovered that they had forged the candidate signatures that are required to allow observers to gain access to polling stations. One election board member said he was […]
What I find ironic about all this is that even though Mitt Romney claims to be a good businessman, even businesses are waking up to the fact that they have to do something about climate change. Take the recent cover article from Bloomberg Businessweek, which quotes an insurance company warning that there has been “a […]
Well, either that or blackmail. Remember when gangsters would extort money from business owners in exchange for “protection”? I’m not sure that is so much different from what Mitt Romney gave today as his self-described “closing argument” as to why he should be elected president: He is saying that if you don’t elect me, then […]
Thursday, November 1, 2012
He might just have reached the limit:
© Matt Wuerker Finally! A comic that voices something that I’ve been wondering about. I keep hearing Republicans ripping into Obama for not preventing the attack that killed the US Ambassador in Libya. Should they have had more security? Were there clear warning signs? Give me a friggin break! You have to be kidding me. […]
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Tuesday, October 23, 2012
The big question on election day is whether you can buy any election with lots of money. If you can, then we’re doomed.
This billboard has suddenly appeared in black, Latino, and university areas in the battleground states of Wisconsin and Ohio: It is a blatant attempt to suppress the vote among groups that tend to vote Democratic. So you might be wondering who is behind the ads, which only say they are from a “private family foundation”. […]
© Clay Bennett Why would anyone believe that Republicans want to “save” Medicare? © Mike Luckovich I guess this is why. © Mike Thompson
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Tagged Health
Does anyone know where Mitt Romney actually stands on abortion and choice? It seems to change every day. Last week, Romney told an Iowa newspaper that abortion legislation would not be part of his agenda if elected. “There’s no legislation with regards to abortion that I’m familiar with that would become part of my agenda.” […]
Saturday, October 13, 2012
We now take a short break from moaning about the sorry state of US politics to see that things are just as interesting in the rest of the world. Here’s an interesting video of the Prime Minister of Australia opening a can of whoop-ass on the opposition leader on the floor of their parliament. What […]
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Tagged World
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
The Village Voice has an excellent article listing “the ten most corrupt tax loopholes”. Mitt Romney says he will balance the budget (while cutting taxes and increasing military spending) by closing tax loopholes. But he won’t tell us which loopholes. For example, the loophole that allows Apple to pretend they are an Irish company and […]
The National Memo did the math, so that you don’t have to (and because Romney won’t). Last night, Mitt Romney promised to eliminate our $1.3 trillion annual deficit without raising any taxes. How will he do this? First, reduce deductions for the wealthy. Well, that’s only $165 billion if you eliminate all deductions for the […]
Romney and the Republicans claim that they would be better at creating jobs, even though they recently blocked another jobs bill from Obama. Remember, their solution to creating jobs is to cut taxes on the rich job creators (well, that and outlaw abortion and gay marriage). And we know how well that worked when they […]
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Republicans are complaining that the mainstream media is using skewed polls that show that Obama is winning. Their argument? That these polls are counting more Democrats than Republicans. This may be the ultimate in false equivalences. The reasons why polls include more Democrats than Republicans is because there are more Democrats than Republicans. Right now, […]