Thursday, February 28, 2013
© Lee Judge I guess we should be grateful that enough Republicans broke away so that Chuck Hagel could get confirmed as Secretary of Defense. Just in time to to preside over massive sequestration budget cuts at the Pentagon. © Joel Pett
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
The Republicans seem to be spending more time trying to avoid blame for the sequester than on, you know, trying to actually passing a budget. They are mainly doing this by trying to claim that the sequester was Obama’s idea. However, Paul Ryan, the recent Republican candidate for vice president, has been strongly promoting the […]
Monday, February 18, 2013
Only on Fox News. Why let reality get in the way of defending the stranglehold large multinational oil companies have on our energy future? Fox and Friends was ridiculing Obama’s “failed” strategy to promote solar energy in the US, but there was the little detail of Germany to contend with. Germany is leading the world […]
Saturday, February 9, 2013
They say politics makes strange bedfellows, and there are few examples more hypocritical than what’s going on with the US postal service. © Jim Morin Conservative Republicans pretend to be strict constitutionalists on issues like freedom of religion and the right to bear arms. Yet they completely ignore the fact that the Post Office is […]
© Matt Bors How is it that the people who say they want to “starve the beast” are the same people who want to let the government spy on everyone, insist that we increase military spending, and also want to invade Iran?
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Tagged Guns
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Paul Krugman on the Fiscal Cliff deal: The centrist fantasy of a Grand Bargain on the budget never had a chance. Even if some kind of bargain had supposedly been reached, key players would soon have reneged on the deal — probably the next time a Republican occupied the White House. For the reality is […]
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Fox News continues to create their own bizarre reality. As of the time I’m posting this, an article from Dec 20 in Fox Nation still says “Bikers Turn Out to Protect Newtown Mourners from Left-Wing Westboro Cult”. Yeah right, the ultra-conservative “God Hates Fags” WBC is a left-wing cult. And Fox News is fair and […]
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Tagged Gays
Friday, December 21, 2012
What happened to the American dream? The dream that anyone can make it if they work hard enough, and maybe have a little luck. That “you can make it if you try”. The dream that all men are created equal, and that nobody is above the law. As if it wasn’t bad enough that corporations […]
Thursday, December 20, 2012
The joke used to be that people would say “I’m not a racist, but…” and then go on to say racist things. Well, the GOP apparently has a new version of that. It may not be acceptable to say racist things in public, but it is ok to accuse our first black president of having […]
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Tagged Racism
Saturday, December 8, 2012
© Stuart Carlson Former Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole came to the Senate floor in a wheelchair last Tuesday to make a personal appeal for lawmakers to ratify a UN treaty to protect the rights of the disabled. Even Senator Richard Lugar (R-IN) said that veterans he had visited “expressed without reservation that their lives […]
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
From Michael Grunwald in Time Magazine. Finally someone called them out on this: It’s really amazing to see political reporters dutifully passing along Republican complaints that President Obama’s opening offer in the fiscal cliff talks is just a recycled version of his old plan, when those same reporters spent the last year dutifully passing along […]
An article in the NY Times with the innocuous title “Lines Blur as Texas Gives Industries a Bonanza” brings up one of my pet peeves. The article is about how Texas gives out billions of dollars in tax breaks to entice companies to open factories in the state. Where does this money come from? Last […]
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Tagged Taxes
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Republicans now say that they are willing to “compromise” by raising revenue in addition to cutting services, but they want to raise revenue by closing tax loopholes rather than raising tax rates. This is a hypocritical smokescreen rather than an honest proposal. Politico has an interesting article “Tax loopholes alone can’t solve fiscal cliff“, which […]
Monday, November 19, 2012
© Lee Judge Despite embarrassing themselves by jumping the gun attacking Obama over the Libyan Embassy attack, the Republicans don’t have any hard facts so they keep throwing innuendo around. This is beyond hypocrisy. Just a few months ago at the Republican convention, they were trying to rewrite history by saying that George W. Bush […]
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Republicans are claiming that the reason why they were defeated in the election was because Obama and the Democrats gave out “extraordinary financial gifts” like free healthcare and green cards to Blacks, Hispanics, young people, and other members of their base and then mounted an aggressive turn-out-the-vote effort to get them to the polls. You […]