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Category Archives: Hypocrisy

Secret Trade Deal

I know everyone is upset at Obama over the NSA spying on our phone calls and emails, but personally, I’m much more upset about this. Widespread outrage was able to block SOPA, but now the Obama administration is negotiating a trade treaty called the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) that looks to be far worse. How are […]


The Two Faces of Sean Hannity and Fox News

The video is far worse. Hannity actively promoting NSA surveillance then, over and over again, versus decrying it as unconstitutional now: What a two-faced tool.


We want our cake, and want to eat it too.

I’ve of two minds about the current “scandal” about the government keeping track of phone numbers called by Verizon customers. On one hand, I am extremely alarmed that we are rather quickly becoming a surveillance state, with pretty much our every move monitored and examined. On the other hand, why are we so surprised? After […]


Taxed Enough Already?

© Matt Bors Isn’t it the job of the IRS to investigate tax-exempt organizations to make sure they really are legal? I sure want the IRS investigating organizations who accept anonymous money and spend it to affect elections. Not to mention tax-exempt organizations who put up websites advocating overthrow of the US government or not […]


The Real Liars About Benghazi

It turns out that the “evidence” provided by Republicans to show that the Obama administration watered down the facts about the Benghazi attack were (to put it bluntly) lies. For example, an email from White House security advisor Ben Rhodes said: We need to resolve this in a way that respects all of the relevant […]


Do Republicans Hate Free Markets?

Republicans claim to be in favor of free markets, but their actions speak louder than their words. For example, in North Carolina a bill sponsored by Republican state senator Tom Apodaca was just approved by the senate commerce committee, and is now ready for a vote, which would prohibit electric car maker Tesla from selling […]


Why is Benghazi still news?

Fox News keeps beating a dead horse:


Blame Game

© Jen Sorensen The full quote from Rick Perry, along with a response from the editor of the paper. Here’s the original comic, and the cartoonist’s blog entry defending the comic: © Jack Ohman If you have any doubts that better regulations and enforcement of current regulations could have prevented this disaster, read this full […]


The Sequester Sequestered

The sequester is slashing and burning all branches of our government. So which one solitary thing is so important that Congress actually fixes it? © Matt Wuerker © Ruben Bolling


Two Sides of the Mouth Award

[via Media Matters] Two months ago, Fox News anchor Jon Scott did a negative story about Tesla, the electric car maker. He used Tesla as an example of bad government spending, saying “we are all sort of co-owners of Tesla — that company got hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars as part of the president’s, […]


Liars Always Figure

Conservatives keep screaming that we have to cut spending in order to reduce the national debt, claiming that the high debt is what is causing the economy to stagnate. Never mind that some spending (cough, military) somehow seems to be exempt from this rule. But now there is new evidence of the bankruptcy of their […]


Sabre Rattling

I know it is fashionable to make fun of Kim Jong-Un of North Korea as a crazy spoiled brat, but just think for a moment what is driving him. We are pressuring North Korea to give up their nuclear weapons program. However, we don’t have a very good track record of how we treat foreign […]


Republicans Repudiate Reality! Really!

I don’t watch Rachel Maddow (or much TV of any kind) on a regular basis, but sometimes I really enjoy the things she talks about. Plus I really like her guest, Ezra Klein. This segment is hilarious. It documents recent complete about-faces performed by Republican politicians. Yes, they really perform impossible flip-flops, sometimes in real […]


Casting the First Stone?

This week, Pat Robertson had a segment warning his viewers about a pyramid investment scheme that lured suckers in with references to religious scriptures. “Beware of these scamsters, especially scamsters in religious garb quoting the Bible. I mean, run from them. They’re all over the place.” But just a day earlier, Robertson had praised a […]


Judicial Activism?

© Matt Wuerker If you don’t know what this is about, I’ll let Jon Stewart explain it: The thing that amazes me is that Scalia is claiming that because Congress is too scared to vote against the Voting Rights Act, that it falls to the Supreme Court to change this legislation. Not because it is […]
