I guess no lie is too big if it compares Saint Ronnie Reagan favorably to Obama. And once again Jon Stewart proves that he is a better source of news than the worthless majority of our news media.
An amazing hypocritical display of stupid, from our (dare I say “racist”?) politicians. And Jon Stewart doesn’t even go after the easy targets, like Michele Bachmann (who compared immigrant children to rapists), or these protestors who want land mine fields at the borders. I love it when they try to blame it on Obama, when […]
A few weeks ago the Supreme court unanimously ruled that Obama had exceeded his constitutional authority by making “recess appointments” to the National Labor Relations Board. Recess appointments are specifically authorized by the constitution, and Obama used them because Republicans have been failing to approve many of his appointments to critical government jobs. But the […]
From Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s (blistering) dissent to the Supreme Court’s ruling allowing certain employers to violate the law by not providing contraception as part of their health insurance: Approving some religious claims while deeming others unworthy of accommodation could be ‘perceived as favoring one religion over another,’ the very ‘risk the [Constitution’s] Establishment Clause […]
Paul Krugman points out that Republicans made at least six dire predictions of how Obama’s health care reform was going to fail miserably: They claimed that not enough people would enroll, which would cause an “epic fail“. In fact, they went as far as to tell people to not enroll in health insurance, which shows […]
Yesterday, the Supreme Court struck down a law that prevents protestors from coming within 35 feet of abortion clinics in Massachusetts. The decision against the buffer zone was unanimous, ruling the law a violation of the First Amendment. Ironically, the Supreme Court itself still has a buffer zone — federal law prohibits protestors from congregating […]
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© Jeff Danziger Saddam Hussain was our friend before he became our enemy. The Reagan administration even supplied him with weapons and lied about it. And they looked the other way when Hussain used chemical weapons – the same weapons we would later use as an excuse to invade Iraq.
It takes a special kind of chutzpah for Dick Cheney to publish an op-ed piece in the Wall Street Journal, saying things like this: Rarely has a U.S. president been so wrong about so much at the expense of so many. Too many times to count, Mr. Obama has told us he is “ending” the […]
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The recent GOP summit in Louisiana, conservatives held a straw presidential poll, which was won by Texas Senator Ted Cruz. There’s just one problem — Cruz was born in Canada to a Cuban father, and is still a citizen of both the US and Canada. Yup, the same right-wing nuts, some of whom still stridently […]
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© Ben Sargent In light of revelations of widespread spying by the NSA (as revealed by Edward Snowden and others), it just seems a tad hypocritical of the US to accuse China of spying on US companies. The US tries to assert that the US spying on foreign companies in the name of national security […]
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Tagged Spying
Here’s the real Benghazi scandal. In an interview on CNN, Congressman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) says the following: I think what we’re going to hear is that we didn’t meet the basic, minimum standards required for a facility such as the one we had in Benghazi. And the request for more security personnel went unheeded, unanswered, […]
You may have seen terms like “mesh network” and “power grid” but not paid much attention (or even knew their significance), but the ideas behind these terms are becoming very important in many diverse ways. Whenever you connect things together, there are generally two ways to do it: in a centralized way, or in a […]
Jon Stewart is on a roll brilliantly showing how sexist American media is against female politicians:
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you’ve probably heard about Cliven Bundy, the rancher from Nevada who refuses to pay grazing fees because he doesn’t believe the US government exists. Some people (like Fox News’ Sean Hannity) think Bundy is a hero. Jon Stewart trivially destroys that idea and shows the hypocrisy of Hannity: […]
It is like an AA meeting where the first step is admitting you have a problem. Because until now our spy apparatus has been in denial. James Clapper lied to Congress about widespread spying on Americans. Former NSA head Keith Alexander denied it. Even Obama repeatedly told us that “no one is reading your emails […]
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