Thursday, November 6, 2014
Wednesday afternoon, Obama gave a press conference where he congratulated Republicans on their victories, and laid out specific policy issues where he thinks the two sides can and must work together to solve problems for the American people. It is short and I recommend you go watch it. Some Republicans, including the new Senate Majority […]
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Reynolds American, the maker of Camel cigarettes and the second-largest producer of tobacco products in the US, has decided to ban smoking from its corporate offices. A corporate spokesman says “We’re well aware that there will be folks who see this as an irony, but we believe it’s the right thing to do and the […]
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Maurice Greenberg, the former CEO (and major shareholder) of AIG, the insurance giant that was on the brink of bankruptcy before being bailed out by the government in 2008, is suing the government, demanding billions of dollars in compensation. Why? Greenberg claims that “the government ripped him and other stockholders off by failing to negotiate […]
Leslie Rutledge is the Republican candidate for Attorney General of Arkansas. In her campaign information, she strongly supports recent changes to voter registration laws in Arkansas, which discriminate against minorities and low-income voters. Ironically, Rutledge had her voter registration cancelled because she violated the same laws that she supports. She was simultaneously registered in three […]
As we all know, politicians and pundits are screaming about ISIS and Ebola, saying that the US has a sacred obligation to do “whatever it takes” to save American lives. That includes committing ground forces to yet another war, building a triple fence around all our borders, surveillance everywhere, travel bans, you name it. All […]
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Every once in a while, people in positions of power indadvertedly reveal not only that their view of reality is distorted, but also that they really have no idea what they are talking about. Recently, in response to leaked revelations that the NSA and other law enforcement agencies had pretty much free access to all […]
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
The Daily show covers the New York Climate Action march, and contrasts it with the idiots on the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology:
Friday, September 19, 2014
© Tom Tomorrow Another brilliant comic from Tom Tomorrow. Isn’t it strange that we have to attack Syria, international law be damned? The terrorists seem to have figured out a winning strategy for them. Do something outrageous that pisses off the American people (9/11, beheadings, even genocide) and then sit back while the American response […]
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Thursday, September 18, 2014
Robin Evans, a Republican warehouse worker who recently signed up for Medicaid when Kentucky finally implemented the ACA’s Medicaid expansion, loves her new health coverage. “I’m tickled to death with it. It’s helped me out a bunch.” But she hates Obama, and says she prefers Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell, who wants to repeal Obamacare, saying […]
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Tagged Health
Friday, September 12, 2014
A few days ago I posted a story about Hillary Clinton (told by Elizabeth Warren) about how after becoming a Senator, Clinton voted for something that she fought hard against before that. Go watch that video if you have not already. And now, we have a similar story from the other side of the aisle. […]
Thursday, September 4, 2014
© Tom Tomorrow I often wish that political parties didn’t exist or were illegal. Indeed, George Washington in his farewell address famously warned against political parties, saying that they would lead to “frightful despotism” because of their tendency to distract the government from their duties, create unfounded jealousies among groups and regions, raise false alarms […]
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
A study just published in the Internal Medicine Journal of the American Medical Association finds that states that have legalized medical marijuana have 25% fewer deaths caused by overdoses of prescription drugs. The reduction in deaths occurred directly following the legalization of medical marijuana. According to the lead author of the study: “We think that […]
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
© Adam Zyglis The Republicans have still not given us their promised alternative to Obamacare. And it is very unlikely they ever will. In fact, I think about the only thing they have consistently promoted that is not already in the ACA is tort reform, which they claim will lower the cost of malpractice insurance […]
An amazing story is unfolding in Washington. Just before the start of the August recess, the GOP wasn’t able to come up with the votes to pass even their tremendously watered down immigration bill to clean up the humanitarian crisis at the border caused by the influx of children from Central America. So the Republican […]
More than 20 states have telecom-sponsored laws on the books that prohibit local communities from building their own municipal high-speed internet networks. This despite the fact that these networks are wildly popular in communities that have them. In addition, communities that have installed their own high-speed internet networks have seen better than average population growth […]