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Category Archives: Hypocrisy

Temper Tantrum

It is ironic that the GOP attempts to sabotage negotiations with Iran — first by inviting the Israeli Prime Minister to give a political campaign speech in Congress, then blatantly stating that they are indeed trying to sabotage the negotiations, and finally by sending an open letter to the Iranian government that was so condescending […]


Discriminating Discrimination

This is a new one. Republicans have introduced a bill that prevents states from discriminating against religious organizations that discriminate. So if a faith-based organization discriminates against someone (because of their religious beliefs), then the state can’t discriminate against that organization by reducing funding to them. It was bad enough when the “religious beliefs” of […]


Agressive Obama?

Speaking of ISIS, according to Congressman Ted Poe (R-TX), the Obama administration is “more aggressive toward Americans, Republicans, conservatives, Christians” than toward ISIS. First, how many bombing runs has Obama made against ISIS? Around a thousand or so? How many bombing runs has Obama made against Republicans, conservatives, or Christians? Second, how many terrorist attacks […]


Fat and Happy

Now that Michele Bachmann has retired from Congress, it looks like Ted Cruz is stepping up to fill the void. Even though Cruz is much smarter (and thus far more dangerous) than Bachmann, he seems to be using her playbook. Case in point. You know how Republicans have fought tooth and nail for tax cuts […]


Death of Taxes

During his State of the Union address, Barack Obama suggested “Let’s close the loopholes that lead to inequality by allowing the top 1 percent to avoid paying taxes on their accumulated wealth.” In other words, we should close the loopholes that allow the richest people to hide inheritance from any taxes. And I totally agree. […]


GOP Science

© Tom Tomorrow Personally, I don’t think the Republicans actually believe any of this crap. I think the problem is that they will claim to believe anything that their campaign donors want. Or the opposite of what the Democrats believe. In the case of the Keystone XL pipeline, both are in play. That’s why it […]


Wage Stag Nation

Another ironic situation is shaping up. In the Daily Beast, Michael Tomasky points out that Republicans have started talking about stagnant wages as a way to attack Obama. For example, John Boehner, upon being reelected (barely) as Speaker of the House, spoke on the House floor: In recent months our economy has showed signs of […]


First Orders of Business

So what did the new Republican-controlled Congress decide was their first order of business this week? On their very first day, they decided that the most important thing to do was attack Social Security. But they did it in a sneaky and underhanded way. The House passed a new rule that, as the LA Times […]


More Exceptionalism

© Tom Tomorrow So the NYPD doesn’t want to have to be accountable for their actions. Sound familiar? Between this, torture, spying on our own citizens, preemptive wars, and murder by drone, it seems like we are just full of our own exceptionalism.



© Jen Sorensen Actually, if they did only half as much horrible shit to us as we have admitted doing to them, we would have likely dropped nuclear weapons on them by now.


Cheney Doubles Down on Torture

In addition, Cheney claimed that our waterboarding wasn’t torture because we elevated the victim’s feet so that they wouldn’t drown. The Fact Checker reviews Cheney’s statements and finds him completely full of bullshit. He has lied to us repeatedly, with absolutely no remorse, and he doesn’t dare stop lying now. He would do anything and […]


Tortured Logic

© Matt Davies We have admitted that we used “enhanced” interrogation techniques, the same techniques that we prosecuted as torture when our enemies used them. Are we willing to take the next step, or do we really believe that something like this is only illegal if you lose a war? UPDATE: The Guardian points out […]


Evil for No Reason

The Senate Intelligence committee finally released their report (10 years late) about the use of torture (the CIA called it “harsh interrogation”) after 9/11 and even though it was heavily redacted, it confirms what this blog and many others said at the time. It didn’t provide us with any information we couldn’t have gotten by […]


United States of Jeesus

The small town of Kennesaw, Georgia voted last week to ban an Islamic group from opening a temporary mosque, even though the landlord of the space they wanted to rent agreed to the deal and the city planning commission and other city staff recommended approval. Many local residents openly voiced concerns about Sharia law and […]


Lock, Stock Market, and Barrel

I hope everyone reading this blog also keeps up with Matt Taibbi, one of my heroes. Taibbi just published another article in Rolling Stone, pointing out once again (and with lots of facts) how our government is so completely owned by the banking industry. The article tells the ongoing story of a former manager at […]
