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Category Archives: Hypocrisy

Gender, on Balance

Jon Stewart points out the underlying hypocrisy of the media reaction to Bruce Jenner becoming Caitlyn Jenner:


The Rape of Logic

© Jen Sorensen Even many people who are “pro-life” carve out exceptions for rape and incest, not to mention if the health of the mother is threatened. But not the Helms Act, which makes no exceptions. And that’s what leads to this incredibly stupid situation. We condemn radical Islamists because some of them treat women […]


Executive Disorder

Last month, Indiana passed a strong anti-gay-rights law and it caused a national backlash against the state. So you might think that other states would think twice before doing something similar. But that logic doesn’t apply to Bobby Jindal, the governor of Louisiana and likely presidential candidate. Instead of thinking twice, he is doubling down. […]


Jeb Bush Moves Right

Dispelling any idea that he might be a moderate Republican, Jeb Bush made it clear in an interview on Sunday that he is absolutely against gay rights. When asked if he believes there should be a constitutional right to marriage (which the mostly conservative Supreme Court could rule this summer), he said “I don’t”. Bush […]


Doomed to Repeat?

© Ted Rall Yes, Jeb Bush really did say that he still would have invaded Iraq, even knowing everything we know now. Personally, I think that that is so incredibly stupid that it should automatically disqualify him from being president. It also makes him blaming Obama for creating the mess in Iraq even that much […]


Ted Cruz, Hypocrite

My favorite thing that Jon Stewart does on the Daily Show is expose people being hypocritical using nothing more than their own words from broadcast video footage of them. Who better to indict Ted Cruz than Ted Cruz himself? Unfortunately, I suspect this will not be enough to get rid of Ted Cruz (although I […]


Peaceful Protest

© Matt Lubchansky I’m definitely not advocating violence. But America does seem to have a love-hate relationship with violence. We love the founding fathers and the Boston tea party, but we hate violent protests for civil rights. We love revolutionaries, as long as they aren’t socialists (although some people love Che Guevara, but mostly in […]


Lack of Fathers?

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) called into conservative Laura Ingraham’s radio show on Tuesday and discussed the racial unrest in Baltimore, saying: There are so many things we can talk about. … It’s something we talk about not in the immediate aftermath but over time: The breakdown of family structure, the lack of fathers, the lack […]


The Peace Party

Representative John Duncan (R-TN) has a very good opinion piece in The American Conservative, titled “A Return to the Peace Party”. Duncan laments that the current batch of “Republican candidates for president try to outdo each other in their hawkishness” and worries that “it is a recipe for defeat if my Republican party becomes known […]


Do as I say, not as I do

Politico has an article about the Florida Everglades that is rife with hypocrisy. The title of the article is “Could Obama’s Everglades Stop Hurt the Everglades?” Their point is that by visiting the Everglades on Earth Day to point out the dangers from global warming, Republicans will now be more likely to be against trying […]


Known By Their Deeds

Recently, Republicans have been trying to sound like class warriors, claiming that they care about the widening gap between the rich and the poor. Former VP candidate Paul Ryan (R-WI) complained that “The Obmamnomics that we’re practicing now have exacerbated inequality”, and added that only “the wealthy are doing really well.” In January, Mitt Romney […]



There is an interesting phenomenon in psychology called projection. According to Wikipedia: Psychological projection is a theory in psychology in which humans defend themselves against unpleasant impulses by denying their existence in themselves, while attributing them to others. For example, a person who is rude may constantly accuse other people of being rude. According to […]


Separation of Powers

One of the big complaints recently about Obama has been that he is acting like a king or dictator, doing end-runs around Congress such as allowing illegal aliens to avoid being deported. After all, we have three branches of government to provide checks and balances. So it surprised me when Ted Cruz said Monday that […]


Looks like a Duck, Quacks like a Duck?

© Rosemary Mosco I think this comic is being too kind — “greedy narcissistic sociopath” would be more accurate. Scientists are in almost total agreement that climate change is caused by human activity, and that it will have disastrous consequences. It is already costing us billions of dollars. Anyone who denies this, just to get […]



© Ruben Bolling That’s the ironic thing about the Bible. It can be used to justify almost anything. Isn’t that why the founders were careful to separate church from state? Not that I’m anti-religion. I just want to be able to cherry pick the parts I believe in like everyone else. What parts do I […]
