After Donald Trumps offensive comments toward Megyn Kelly during and after the GOP debate, Erick Erickson (editor of RedState and a Fox News contributor) uninvited Trump to the upcoming RedState Gathering, where Trump was scheduled to be the keynote speaker. Erickson said that “there are even lines blunt talkers and unprofessional politicians should not cross. […]
On Thursday, 80 CEOs of big corporations published a statement pushing Congress to reduce the deficit. Unfortunately, they published it in the Wall Street Journal, so you have to be someone with a subscription in order to read it (how apropos!). To their credit, they encourage not just more spending cuts, but also higher tax […]
I know we all have a short attention span, but surely you remember two years ago when Republicans claimed that Obama was using the IRS as a political weapon against conservative groups. That “scandal” lasted about a week, and an investigation by the IRS Inspector General turned up absolutely no evidence of any wrongdoing, and […]
© Rebecca Hendin I don’t get it. The Chicken Hawks seem to be claiming that the only way to avoid war with Iran is to go to war against them. Isn’t this the same logic that got us into trouble with Iraq and other countries? As the book said, “War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, […]
The Republicans are desperately trying to get rid of Donald Trump. I mean they have even asked him nicely to shut up, or at least dial it back a few notches. But Trump continues to be Trump, and he keeps rising in the polls. What’s a GOP to do? Their plan was to wait for […]
© Chan Lowe Have all those Republicans who are condemning Obama’s nuke agreement with Iran forgotten it was Saint Ronnie who illegally and secretly sold weapons to Iran (even though Congress had passed an arms embargo against them) in order to fund a terrorist group in Central America? I guess when the GOP votes to […]
© Matt Bors How did we change from a country of immigrants, to a country that calls immigrants “criminals” and “rapists”? Aren’t immigrants (most of) us? Heck, if you go back far enough, even “native” Americans came from somewhere.
© Ruben Bolling I know I’ve already pointed out the hypocrisy of Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia but this comic was just too funny. I think I have a new theory. Maybe the conservative justices are just treating the Constitution like the Bible. After all, you can justify almost any behavior by selectively picking verses […]
And all that stuff has been implemented. And please, before you leave, make sure Sean Hannity has his waterboarding charity event.
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Scalia seems to have had a very bad day. He didn’t get things to go his way. But that’s ok because Jon is here, To humorously make the hypocrisy clear. As Stewart explains it, “I think we found Scalia’s tell. The Crankiness of Scalia’s insults runs inverse to his intellectual consistency.”
Republicans successfully purged moderates from their party by saying that they were RINO — Republicans in Name Only. But now we are seeing something truly amazing — conservatives who profess to be Catholics attacking Pope Francis and calling him names, because he issued a papal encyclical on climate change that calls on us to reject […]
Glenn Greenwald makes a strong argument that the word “Terrorism” has become a meaningless propaganda term in the West. Or maybe not meaningless, but the meaning has sunk to “any heinous act of violence perpetrated by a Muslim or other minority, usually against white westerners”. How else do you explain how hardly anyone is describing […]
Jon Stewart points out the utter hypocrisy our response to Islamic terrorism compared to our own ongoing racial terrorism: Some people have suggested that Jon Stewart run for political office. Maybe even president. And I don’t mean like Stephen Colbert ran for president. This video is evidence that Stewart could easily make the transition from […]
Yesterday I posted about how Americans almost unanimously say that our system for funding elections is broken and needs to be dramatically changed. Here’s a good example of why they feel that way, and an organization that is doing something about it. The Campaign Legal Center (CLC) has announced that they are suing the Federal […]
One advantage that people of faith enjoy is that they are not limited to being consistent. A good example is presidential candidate Rick Santorum. Santorum has long been a proponent of “intelligent design”, which is a fancy term for requiring public schools to “teach about the role of God or a Creator” as part of […]