Saturday, October 31, 2015
In the last debate, current leader for the Republican presidential nomination, Ben Carson, was asked about his involvement with Mannatech, a nutritional supplements company. Mannatech has been making outlandish claims about its products, including that they cure cancer and autism (even Down Syndrome, which is actually caused by having an extra chromosome). Mannatech paid $7 […]
Saturday, October 10, 2015
It has been weeks since Martin Shkreli promised to lower the price of Daraprim, but apparently that might have been a lie just to stop the outrage. How long does it take to lower the price of a drug (especially when there are people whose lives depend on it)? Well, the NY Times article that […]
Saturday, October 3, 2015
The news today is that Jeb Bush doesn’t even seem to be trying to run for president. When asked about the latest (45th this year, and counting) school shooting, he replied: We’re in a difficult time in our country and I don’t think more government is necessarily the answer to this, I think we need […]
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Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Kevin McCarthy is the House majority leader and the likely person to replace John Boehner as Speaker of the House. He was interviewed on Fox News last night, and when pressed by Sean Hannity to list what McCarthy would fight for in the GOP-led House, he made a gaffe: What you’re going to see is […]
Thursday, September 24, 2015
© Matt Davies Volkswagen, the largest manufacturer of cars in the world, has admitted to cheating on emissions tests. How bad is this? Eleven million cars were deliberately given sophisticated software that detected when the car was being given an emissions test (detecting that the steering wheel was not being turned even though the accelerator […]
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson said on NBC TV that he thinks Muslims are unfit to be president. He claims the president’s faith should be consistent with the US constitution. He was then asked if he considered Islam to be consistent, he said, “No I don’t, I do not. I would not advocate that we […]
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Jeb Bush just released the details of his economic plan in the Wall Street Journal. He claims that his new plan will result in sustained economic growth of four percent or more. To give you an idea of how difficult that would be, no president since Lyndon Johnson has achieved that level of growth. Wow, […]
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Tuesday, September 15, 2015
© Tom Tomorrow If you nurture irrational hatred in a group of disgruntled people by lying to them, isn’t it inevitable that they will eventually turn on you? Reagan held it at bay with his 11th Commandment “Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican“, but Trump is not reading from that script. Of […]
Friday, September 4, 2015
I’ve resisted saying anything about Kim Davis, the county clerk in Kentucky who is still refusing to issue marriage licenses to gay people. The legalization of gay marriage happened so quickly, it is no surprise that there are a few problems here and there. It doesn’t matter if she isn’t much of a poster child […]
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Republican congressman Mike Turner of Ohio is so mad about Obama and Alaska changing the name of Mt. McKinley back to Denali, he is now threatening to change the name back by attaching a rider to must-pass legislation. You know, like they did when they tried to repeal Obamacare by shutting down the government. You […]
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
As much as I hate posting about Donald Trump, he does give me a laugh. And this story is almost too ironic to believe. On Saturday, Trump told CNN that he is not interested in running attack ads on television. “I just want to talk about my accomplishments.” Really? What accomplishments? “I’m not looking to […]
The Family Research Council (FRC) says that their mission is “to champion marriage and family as the foundation of civilization, the seedbed of virtue, and the wellspring of society”, which is social conservative speak meaning that they fight against same sex marriage. They seem to be losing the gay marriage battle, and it sounds like […]
The price of oil just dropped to a 6 year low, $43.08 a barrel. This was caused by a surge in output. Much of the added output was from Iran, and was made possible by the expected approval of the proposed nuclear deal. Sanctions have long restricted Iran’s allowed oil output. So Republicans opposing the […]
Thursday, August 13, 2015
John Oliver on corporate welfare of the worst kind: And the biggest hypocrite of all is presidential candidate Scott Walker, who claims to be a fiscal conservative (he’s famous for his union busting tactics and for deep cuts to the state university system). Walker just gave away $450 million of taxpayer money to build a […]
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Kansas wants you to know that they are really really concerned about election fraud. After all, they want to make sure that only the white right people vote. If you have been following along, Kansas first passed a law requiring proof of citizenship for voter registration. But federal law requires states to accept the federal […]