I’m not a big fan of Bill Maher, but this is pretty darn funny: How did we go from the land of immigrants (well, except for the natives, whom we killed and put on reservations) to a land that hates immigrants and wants them to build a wall to keep themselves out.
It is easy to get caught up in the politics of the Supreme Court, especially with the unexpected death of Antonin Scalia and the fight over his replacement. But meanwhile, the court is still hearing important cases. This week saw oral arguments about a Texas law that requires stringent new standards on abortion clinics that […]
Sunday, February 21, 2016
Republicans were caught urging their fellow Republicans to show up for the Nevada Democratic caucus yesterday, to vote for Bernie Sanders. This is possible because while the Democratic caucus in Nevada was Saturday, the Republican caucus is Tuesday. Furthermore, while the Democrats allow same day registration, the Republicans already closed their voter rolls. So if […]
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
© Tom Tomorrow The Republicans have already announced that they are going to refuse to confirm (or even have a hearing to consider) anyone nominated by Obama to replace Antonin Scalia. Even before they hear who Obama is going to nominate. The Party of NO is nothing if not consistent. The GOP claims that it […]
Monday, February 15, 2016
Sometimes, I really appreciate Donald Trump’s big mouth. During Saturday’s Republican debate, Trump brought up the GOP elephant in the room – that despite Republicans constantly screaming that the Democrats are weak on security, both 9/11 and the Iraq war (which led to IS) happened on their watch. Trump attacked Jeb Bush, saying that he […]
Thursday, February 4, 2016
© Matt Bors How hypocritical is it that many of the same people who take up arms against the government are also screaming to kick out the Mexicans, deport the Muslims, and want the right to kill anyone who threatens them. To me, it is an old story — people want laws, police, prisons, and […]
Thursday, January 14, 2016
On Tuesday I did a post about Ted Cruz, asking how conservatives could be fooled by his flimsy tea party credentials when he is married to an investment banker who works for Goldman Sachs. Well, it is worse than that. In a story published on Wednesday, the New York Times discloses that the Cruzes lied […]
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Saturday, January 2, 2016
© Matt Bors When I first heard about protestors with signs saying “All Lives Matter” I thought they were protesting abortions. Of course, the same people want us to indiscriminately bomb some countries until the “sand glows in the dark“. And Donald Trump doubled down on his proposal to kill the family members of ISIS […]
Monday, December 21, 2015
Salon has a great article titled “Carly Fiorina is a liar: And everyone should finally just say it — loudly“. So I am obliging them with my headline. She famously claimed to have seen a horrific video about Planned Parenthood. But when confronted by the fact that said video simply does not exist, she doubled […]
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
I’m so sorry, but I can’t help it. If Trump is as smart as he claims to be, how can he write such stupid things. Here’s his Truculent Trump Tweet du Jour: Just to jog his memory, here’s Trump receiving an award from Muhammad Ali: Meanwhile, Trump said he wants to ban all Muslims from […]
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
At the UN climate conference in Paris, Obama spoke forcefully about the need to make the accords legally binding, to hold countries accountable. This is new and exciting, and has energized the negotiations there. Meanwhile, the Republicans in Congress scheduled votes on Tuesday to strike down rules that reduce carbon emissions. Once again, they are […]
Monday, November 30, 2015
One of my favorite reporters, Matt Taibbi, has a great article in Rolling Stone, titled “America Is Too Dumb for TV News“. The article (and I highly recommend you read it) discusses how Trump has finally trumped reality. Even in the age of video on everyone’s phone and the Internet, Trump can largely get away […]
Saturday, November 28, 2015
© Tom Tomorrow Another great comic from Tom Tomorrow. The more I think about this, the more I think that the resistance to Syrian refugees is based on pure racism. Just like the resistance to Jewish refugees from Germany on the eve of WWII was based on anti-semitism. Does this mean that the Republican politicians […]
Saturday, November 21, 2015
Some people are comparing our hostility to the Syrian refugees to a similar situation on the eve of WWII, when 67% of Americans were against letting Jewish refugees escaping Nazi Germany come to the US. And 100 years before that, refugees from the Irish Famine were treated just as badly. Daesh (and terrorism) is our […]
Saturday, November 14, 2015
The GOP is still trying to repeal Obamacare. If that isn’t strange enough, arch-conservative Senators Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and Mike Lee are going to vote against this repeal, saying that it doesn’t go far enough. Ignoring the fact that as usual this is a symbolic gesture (Obama would surely veto any repeal), it just […]