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Category Archives: Hypocrisy

Racial Profiling

Sunday, Donald Trump doubled down on racism, saying that the US will have to consider the use of racial profiling: Well I think profiling is something that we’re going to have to start thinking about as a country. Other countries do it, you look at Israel and you look at others, they do it and […]


This Week in Trump

The (conservative) National Review reviews this week in Trump: Trump on Thursday: Trump announces that he will persuade the NRA to support a law “not allowing people on the terrorist watch list, or the no fly list, to buy guns”. Up until then, love of guns was just about the only issue uniting all conservatives […]


Unity, Trump Style

Campaigning in two battleground states, Donald Trump called for GOP unity, saying it was time for Republicans to stop attacking one another. And then, of course, he immediately starting attacking Mitt Romney, the most recent Republican presidential candidate, saying “Mitt Romney is a sad case. He choked. You know what a choke artist is? You […]


The Ironic Path of Sanders

After the AP called the Democratic nomination for Clinton, the Sanders campaign released a statement: It is unfortunate that the media, in a rush to judgement, are ignoring the Democratic National Committee’s clear statement that it is wrong to count the votes of superdelegates before they actually vote at the convention this summer. Now, I […]


The Continuing Scam of Veterans

Some people might argue that the Trump University scandal is old news. That Donald Trump did that back when he was a businessman, so it was ok to swindle people out of their money for his own enrichment. But if he becomes president, he will be our scumbag swindler, using his evil powers to make […]


The Good Old Days

Do you remember the “good old days” that Donald Trump speaks about? I do. If that’s what Trump supporters hanker after, I want nothing to do with it.


The Foxes Taking Over the Hen House

Donald Trump’s ally David Bossie has just won a four year seat on the Republican National Committee. Even though Trump is not yet the official nominee, his status as the presumptive nominee already gives him sway in the Republican party. So even if he loses the general election, he will influence our politics. Why is […]


It is all about Money

The more things change, the more they stay the same. Some of us were hoping that once Donald Trump became the presumed GOP nominee, that the media would stop talking about him incessantly. But apparently, the media is as addicted to talking about Trump as ever. After being criticized for basically bankrolling Trump’s campaign by […]


Betrayal of Trust

Dennis Hastert was the longest serving Republican Speaker of the House ever. He was second in line, after the Vice President, to assume the presidency in an emergency. But before he became a politician, he was a high school wrestling coach. And during that time, he sexually abused at least four of his students, all […]


Cutting out the Middlemen

Donald Trump’s popularity is largely based on one simple premise, that he is so rich he can’t be bought, so he will not be beholden to special interests and the lobbyists who run Washington. Trump has repeatedly claimed that he hates lobbyists and that they can’t influence him. So why would anyone be surprised that […]


Who’s Gaming the System?

© Gary Varvel After gaming the political “game” any way he could for the last year, Donald Trump is complaining that the game is being rigged against him. Is he nuts? The GOP delegate rules haven’t changed recently, and Trump was just too lazy or stupid to pay any attention to them. But an article […]


Benghazi Won’t Die!

Last Thursday marked the 700th day since the Select Committee on Benghazi was authorized. To put “700 days” into perspective, the 9/11 commission only took 604 days to investigate the worst terrorist attack in our country’s history, including writing a report that was endorsed by all members of the commission (of both parties). The Select […]


Double Standard

© Matt Bors After winning Iowa, Hillary Clinton was criticized for shouting too much. Even Bob Woodward, of Watergate fame, said “She shouts. There is something unrelaxed about the way she is communicating.” Are you kidding me?


Thanks Obama!

You knew it was going to happen. Marco Rubio has explicitly blamed Obama for the hatred and violence coming out of the Republican party. That seems to be a huge stretch, even for a party that wants to blame the foreign, Muslim, socialist, fascist black person for everything. UPDATE: And now Rubio has suspended his […]


Walking in their shoes

Important story about how a community organizer who has been protesting police killings of unarmed people (especially blacks), participated in a police training exercise to get a better understanding of the situation: We have a bad tendency in this country that when a few people of a specific group do something really bad, that we […]
