Wednesday, August 17, 2016
On Monday during a Trump campaign rally in Ohio, former NY Mayor Rudi Giuliani introduced VP candidate Mike Pence by saying “You know better than I do what a great governor he is of your state.” There’s just one problem — Pence is the governor of neighboring Indiana. Even worse, while introducing Donald Trump, Giuliani […]
Criminal prosecutors in the Ukraine investigating corruption have found the name of Paul Manafort, the man running Trump’s campaign, 22 times (for a total of $12.7 million) on a secret ledger of people who were given large amounts of cash as bribes and paybacks. This blog has mentioned previously that Manafort worked for Viktor Yanukovych, […]
Thursday, August 11, 2016
During the Republican primary, Donald Trump claimed he couldn’t be bought. Well, it sure looks like he is now for sale. He’s even bragging about how much money is being donated to his campaign. And what’s worse, we have no idea who is buying him. Trump is refusing to name any of his fundraising bundlers. […]
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Many Republican controlled states have passed voter fraud laws, which make it much harder for people (cough, Democratic-leaning voters) to vote. Electoral Vote has a short, pointed article about voter fraud, pointing out what a fraud it is. Here’s an excerpt (and by excerpt, I mean about half the whole article): From time to time […]
There is strong evidence that both Donald Trump and his wife Melania Trump violated immigration laws. Let’s start with Melania. There are lots of holes in her story of how she came to the US. She says she arrived in 1996 on a short-term visa, which would have made it illegal for her to work […]
If Donald Trump is promising to create jobs for Americans, why is he hiring foreigners to work at his American resorts? He claims he can’t find any workers, but a local employment agency says that they have plenty of Americans looking for those kind of jobs.
On Friday, Trump accused Hillary Clinton of rigging the presidential debate schedule, tweeting: There’s just one problem with that — it is a complete fabrication. “Hillary & the Dems” had nothing to do with the presidential debate schedule. While the primary debates are scheduled by the political parties, the debates for the general election were […]
Friday, VP nominee Mike Pence appeared on conservative Hugh Hewitt’s radio show and condemned President Obama for referring to Donald Trump as a “homegrown demogogue”. Pence said, seemingly without irony “I don’t think name-calling has any place in public life. And I thought that was unfortunate that the president of the United States would use […]
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Tagged Trump
Donald Trump Jr., Let Me Google That For You. I’m sure everybody knows how Trump’s wife Melania got in trouble for plagiarizing parts of her convention speech from First Lady Michelle Obama’s 2008 Democratic convention speech. I guess Trump’s son, Donald Jr., was trying to get his revenge. So today, Jr claimed that Barack Obama, […]
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© Jen Sorensen Look, as someone who has started and run companies that did a lot of marketing, I understand what Trump is doing. He is “selling the sizzle, not the (Trump) steak”. Details and specifics just get in the way of removing money from your customers’ pockets. As a casino owner, he knows that […]
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In her speech at the Democratic National Convention last night, Michelle Obama beautifully talked about the progress that has been made in America: That is the story of this country, the story that has brought me to this stage tonight, the story of generations of people who felt the lash of bondage, the shame of […]
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Tagged Racism
The National Rifle Association usually doesn’t mince words when defending the right of Americans to arm themselves. But we now have a case where a person, legally licensed to carry a concealed weapon, was stopped by the police for a broken taillight. He informed the officer that he had a firearm. The officer asked him […]
What’s worse than a cheapskate? A cheapskate who lies about being generous. Trump repeatedly promises money to charities and then stiffs them. According to the Washington Post: In the past 15 years, Trump has promised to donate earnings from a wide variety of his money-making enterprises: “The Apprentice.” Trump Vodka. Trump University. A book. Another […]
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The Trump campaign was caught sending fundraising emails to politicians. That wouldn’t be weird, except that they were sent to politicians in other countries, like the UK, Iceland, Australia, and elsewhere. It is hard to know where all the emails went, but there were a lot of them. Multiple email blasts were sent out both […]
There is a saying in business that the worst thing a company or person can do is start believing their own PR. PR is the bullshit that people and organizations put out in order to make themselves look better, but once you fall into the trap of believing your own PR, then you are in […]
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Tagged Lies