Friday, September 23, 2016
A Trump campaign county chairwoman in Ohio has resigned after an interview with The Guardian in which she said a whole bunch of ignorant racist things: She called the Black Lives Matter movement “a stupid waste of time”. She blamed low voter turnout among blacks on “the way they’re raised”. Which is strange because in […]
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Thursday, September 22, 2016
It looks like Donald Trump was using his Trump Foundation as a giant slush fund to pay off legal problems, buy gifts for himself or his businesses, and other non-charitable uses. So far, the Washington Post has found about a quarter of a million dollars of other people’s money (contributed by donors who thought they […]
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
No, I’m not worried about the “controversy” whether Barack Obama was born in the US. That’s an established fact. I’m worried about whether everything that Trump has said about Obama and where he was born was a blatant lie. I’m also worried whether Trump will ever make good on the $5 million he now owes […]
Monday, September 19, 2016
You know the old saying about “Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me”. Well, it has never been so true. Last week, Donald Trump revealed his economic plan, and could you guess that it was more trickle-down economics. He is going to lower taxes on the rich dramatically, cutting the […]
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Donald Trump keeps asking “What do you have to lose?” — you know by voting for him? Well, this week we saw some answers. First, a British economic forecasting firm estimates that if Trump gets elected and implements just his existing economic proposals, it would cost the US $1 trillion over the next five years. […]
Thursday, September 15, 2016
I guess the media got what they wanted — a horserace. They breathlessly report story after story about how the Clinton Foundation might have the “appearance” of impropriety (despite admitting that there was no actual impropriety), while at the same time pretty much ignoring two smoking guns of real illegal activity with the Trump Foundation. […]
Sunday, September 11, 2016
Friday night, Hillary Clinton asserted that about half of Trump’s supporters were not persuadable because Trump appeals to and amplifies their racist, xenophobic, sexist, Islamaphobic, and anti-Semitic viewpoints. The Trump campaign quickly condemned the comment, saying that Clinton should apologize. And Clinton did respond that she regretted saying “half”. But is it true that Trump […]
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Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Donald Trump recently blasted the Clinton Foundation for taking donations from Saudi Arabia, saying that she should return their money because they have a poor human rights record. “I am calling on her to immediately return the $25 million plus she got from them for the Clinton Foundation!” And when Sean Hannity on Fox News […]
Sunday, September 4, 2016
Donald Trump has now given his fire-and-brimstone speech about illegal immigrants, including that there would be no amnesty and no path to citizenship for people who entered the country illegally. According to him even people who had not entered the US illegally, but who had come in on a visa but then didn’t leave, are […]
Friday, September 2, 2016
Remember how Obama nominated respected moderate Merrick Garland for the Supreme Court, but the Republicans in the Senate refused to even hold hearings on him, giving the excuse that they should let the next president pick the new member of the Supreme Court. Because, you know, they really wanted to give the people a voice […]
© Jack Ohman The only people who will be convinced that Trump is not a racist are racists. But that may be the whole point. But the more important point is that Trump is making it ok to be racist in America, and this is extremely dangerous. As a must-read article in Rolling Stone puts […]
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OMG, Trump claims to hire only “the best people” but look at the people he hires. Saturday’s announcement was that Trump’s advisor on foreign policy issues is Michele Bachmann. You know, the woman who said “What I love about New Hampshire and what we have in common is our extreme love for liberty. You’re the […]
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Tagged Trump
Thursday, August 25, 2016
Trump made a big deal about self funding his own campaign, but maybe he was using an alternative meaning of the term “self fund”. It looks like he meant that he would be using his campaign funds to enrich himself. Now that Trump is raking in money from donors, his campaign quadrupled the rent that […]
The more Trump’s campaign evolves, the more it stays the same. © Kevin Siers It didn’t take long after reorganizing his campaign and even sorta kinda apologizing for the stupid and hateful things he has said, that Trump put his foot firmly in his mouth again. “With one arrogant boast, Donald Trump stumbled into a […]
On Monday, Trump again fell back on his old standby of spewing hatred at immigrants, and called for “extreme vetting” of foreigners before they are admitted to the US. “Those who do not believe in our Constitution, or support bigotry and hatred, will not be admitted for immigration into our country. Only those who expect […]