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Obama makes a huge gaffe

© David Willis


The house across the street from Gov Palin

It was bad enough that the largest newspaper in Alaska endorsed Obama, but now this? This is the governor’s mansion in Juneau, Alaska: This is the house across the street: Thanks to Don (aka Mr. Ed).


Play the “Palin as President” game

This interactive game is fun, and the (unnamed) creators promise to add new features each day until the election. Can you: summon Joe the Plumber? torture Katie Couric? uncover the nuclear codes? set off nuclear armageddon? get Palin to say “something-stan” and “cactus-stan”? find all five people Palin calls mavericks? shred Roe v. Wade? UPDATE: […]


Guilt by Association

© Stuart Carlson


How the markets really work

Here at Political Irony, I love it when comedians hit the nail on the head better than the pundits or other experts.  Here are two British comedians — back in 2007 — who exactly describe what was about to happen in the financial markets. Plus it is extremely funny (in a scary kind of way).



© John Sherffius


Being John Maverick

From driftglass


Is Cindy McCain the Borg Queen?

From Totally Looks Like


US Electoral Maps before and after Great Depression

Wall Street and the stock market crashed in October 1929. What a difference an economic meltdown makes. In 1928 Herbert Hoover received 444 electoral votes, four years later he was only able to scrape up 59: Maps from 270 to Win


Wall Street is a one way street

© Jim Morin


Barack Osama

This is the actual absentee ballot that was sent out to voters in New York State’s Rensselaer County. I’m not sure which is worse — believing the county election officials who claim that it was a simple typo that made it past three separate proof readers (are the ‘B’ and ‘S’ keys right next to each […]


Hallowe’en Politics

© Mike Thompson


Don’t they know we have it recorded?

One of the things I really love is how the Internet has changed politics, but some people haven’t received the memo. Gone are the days when politicians and pundits could blithely contradict themselves, because now we can just look it up on on the innertubes and point out their hypocrisy. Glenn Greenwald points out a […]


Keeping abreast of politics

© guillebravo6


The winner of the VP debate

© Nate Beeler
