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The Real Reason Obama Got the Peace Prize

© Jim Morin UPDATE: One point that I don’t see anyone making is that they said that they were giving him the award primarily for his work to control nuclear proliferation. That work started long before he became president. Why does everyone keep assuming that they were only giving him the award for what he […]


Indoctrinating Our Children

© Matt Davies Read Leonard Pitts’ excellent column, “What are we saving the children from?”


Did Glenn Beck murder the American media?

A new website probes the controversial question about whether “Glenn Beck raped and murdered a young girl in 1990”. But in reality, the site is cleverly deconstructing of what passes for news in America. First, someone (usually with a vested interest) starts a rumor. Other people repeat the rumor. Now you have multiple sources […]


A Big Thumbs Down

© Mike Luckovich


The Republicans’ Public Option

© Bruce Beattie


$80 Billion of WHAT?

In June, Obama announced an agreement with the drug companies to cut the price of medicines by $80 billion over the next ten years. Now, $80 billion might sound like a huge amount of savings, but the bigger question is how much savings is this really? So Greg Palast rummaged through the government health statistics, […]


The Republican Response

© Ed Stein


An oldie but a goodie

This morning I was awoken by my alarm clock powered by electricity generated by the public power monopoly regulated by the US department of energy. I then took a shower in the clean water provided by the municipal water utility. After that, I turned on the TV to one of the FCC regulated channels to […]


What if a bank told half their highest net worth clients ‘sorry, you misspelled your address when you opened your account, we’re confiscating your balance’

In his Congressional testimony, the CEO of a health insurance company said: Rescission is rare. It affects less than one-half of one percent of people we cover. As you probably already have learned, rescission is the insurance company practice of refusing to pay for health care because they found an (even unrelated) mistake on your […]


American Capitalism Made Perfect

© Ted Rall


Media: Garbage In, Garbage Out

© Tony Auth


Modern Politics Handles a Real Crisis

© Ruben Bolling


Bill O’Reilly is a Complete Idiot

Is he really this stupid? Really? Just in case you need more proof.


Republicans are fearful of health care reform not because it will be bad, but because it will be good

Senator Bernie Sanders makes the excellent point. The Republicans try to scare us that socialized medicine will be terrible, but the truth is that we already have socialized medicine in this country — it is run by the Veterans Administration. If any politician tried to get rid of the VA health benefits, they would quickly […]


If a public option would drive private health insurance out of business, how do UPS and Fedex survive against the USPS?

The next time a pundit claims that a public option will put private health insurance companies out of business and lead to socialized health care, I hope someone asks them how UPS, Fedex, and hundreds of other smaller delivery companies are still in business, despite having to compete with the US Post Office. This is […]
