© Matt Davies What is the worst thing we can do to our future generations? Saddle them with a huge national debt, or give them a substandard education so they can’t compete in the world job market. Right now, it seems like we are doing both. I know this is considered blasphemy in some circles, […]
© Lee Judge Unfortunately there isn’t enough room on that blackboard, because I can think of a whole lot more of these. For example: Apocalypse = When Democrats pass a bill that is virtually identical to one passed by Mitt Romney, not to mention one Republicans proposed back in 1993 Fascist = What to call […]
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
© Matt Davies Davies titled this comic “Cage Fighter”, I suppose because they are fighting for the right to be screwed over by insurance companies. It is one of life’s little ironies that members of the tea party will likely be helped more than average people by health care reform.
© Max Ink Nice commentary on his site, too.
© Mike Luckovich We’ve been trying to reform our health care system for almost 80 years. Do you really want to start over?
Friday, February 26, 2010
This video embodies why I love Rachel Maddow. As she says, don’t blame health insurance companies for our broken health care system — they are just doing what they are supposed to do:
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
© Lloyd Dangle Who says Republicans don’t want to solve the problems of small businesses, jobless people, below-water homeowners, the homeless, working poor, unwed mothers, and the destitute?
Sunday, February 14, 2010
© Jeff Parker The owner of “Tea Party Nation, Inc.” and organizer of the Tea Party conference is quoted here as saying “I want to make a million from this movement.”
Friday, February 12, 2010
© Matt Davies The science behind global warming predicts that all the extra energy in the atmosphere will stimulate more extreme weather, both hot and cold. Just because it is snowing now doesn’t mean this hasn’t been the hottest decade in thousands of years. Likewise, just because it sometimes rains in the desert doesn’t mean […]
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Now that corporate spending to influence lawmakers has been declared to be protected free speech, who is going to end up paying for all those expensive ads and lobbyists, not to mention the cost of buying up the media so we never hear about it? © Paul Fell
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Today, the US Supreme Court gave the US a giant push toward fascism (a corporatist economic system, which believes that the majority is unsuited to govern itself through democracy) by declaring that not only do corporations have free speech rights, but that corporations throwing barrels of money at politicians in order to buy legislation is […]