While the name sucks, the ideas behind “Defund the Police” make perfect sense. When will we stop debating semantics and come to our senses?
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In the end, all they had left was their anger… The governor of Minnesota had this to say about masks: I just want to note on this. The politicization around masks, I think history is going to write as one of the worst things that’s happened to this country. I think it cost lives. I […]
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Make no mistake about it, this country is in danger. According to FiveThirtyEight, somewhere around 70% of Republicans believe — without any actual evidence — that Joe Biden stole the election from Donald Trump. The bigger problem is what this portends for the next presidential election. The Republican Party is actively eliminating their members who […]
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To me, the biggest hoax is calling everything a hoax. When will the right get tired of it? Einstein is credited with saying “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.” Does this mean that any reasonable infrastructure bill should include a mental health program to […]
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During Trump’s entire presidency, after securing around $6 billion from Congress and commandeering another $10 billion from the Defense Department, Trump only managed to build a measly total of 40 miles of wall, at a cost of up to $27 million per mile. An article in the Texas Monthly magazine verifies what most of us […]
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Wednesday, April 21, 2021
I gave a sigh of relief at the news of the verdict in the trial of policeman Derek Chauvin murdering George Floyd. Remember that this is the case that elevated the Black Lives Matter movement into the mainstream of discourse (and managed to do that in the middle of a pandemic). But don’t take the […]
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Because everyone is equal, but some people are more equal than others. Thanks to Citizens United and the Supreme Court, that includes corporations. One thing I’ve wondered about is if corporations are people, why haven’t they been given the right to vote yet? Corporate Lives Matter!
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…the more they stay the same. There is a very interesting article in the Washington Post by George Will, titled “Technologies give velocity to stupidity, but they don’t make people stupid” (or in blunter terms, people are always stupid, but technology makes it easier to spread stupidity, so it just seems like there is more […]
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So, I have been completely vaccinated against Covid-19, as have some of my friends. What we all have in common was that we had to spend a lot of time and energy finding a place to get vaccinated. Searching multiple websites for a place that was going to have open appointments to get vaccinated, waiting […]
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Jonathan Last has published a fascinating article in The Bulwark (an anti-Trump conservative website) about how Republican politics now follows the rules of an attention economy. To whit, politicians don’t get elected because they do their jobs well (govern, pass laws, etc.). They gain power by getting attention (even negative attention). The obvious example is […]
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Wednesday, March 31, 2021
There are two pieces of potentially very good news that just came out, based on real-world studies of people who have been vaccinated against Covid-19. Mind you, these are preliminary results, and more research needs to be done before we declare victory, but at least these give me hope. The first article points out that […]
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It has been a while since I posted anything about Donald Trump. This weekend, Trump crashed a wedding reception, grabbed an open mic, and started talking. You can see the video here, but you don’t need to to know how pitiful he sounds. Trump says: I’ve been watching the news, and they’re telling me about […]
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How gay can you get? Because there is recent news that should make gay people even happier (you might say more gay!). First, despite the fact that the Republican Party is losing moderates, and becoming more socially conservative, a new poll (based on over 50 thousand telephone interviews during 2020) shows that for the first […]
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Wednesday, March 24, 2021
We’ve had two mass shootings in less than a week. In the first one, a white man shot up three different spas around Atlanta, where 6 of the 8 people killed were of Asian descent. The local police spokesman said the shooter was “having a bad day”. In the second one, a man with a […]
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Alex Jones on a leaked video. Posted by the Southern Poverty Law Center.
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