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Category Archives: Irony

bizarre and ironic

First Amendment Follies

© Jen Sorensen Hey you, citizen, shut up!


How’s that Working Out for Ya, Kansas?

In 2010, former ultra-conservative Senator Sam Brownback was elected governor of Kansas. Then, with massive help from the Koch brothers (who are headquartered in Wichita), he engineered a Tea Party takeover of the legislature, which became the most conservative state legislature in the nation by purging virtually all of their moderate Republicans (the Democrats having […]


Guns N Roses

US District Judge Myron Thompson ruled yesterday that a 2013 Alabama state abortion clinic law is unconstitutional. Thompson ruled that the law’s requirement that abortion doctors have admitting privileges at hospitals in the same metropolitan area where they do abortions is an undue burden on womens’ right to abortions, because it would force the closing […]



The House Intelligence Committee, which is led by Republicans, has concluded that there was no deliberate wrongdoing by the Obama administration in the 2012 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans. So, does anyone believe that Fox News will actually shut up about Benghazi now?


Why This Gridlock is Different

NBC has an interesting article “A New Kind of Gridlock: Why Congress Is More Broken Than Ever“. I’m usually skeptical about articles like this, because we are always seeing people claim that things are getting worse, when in general, things are actually getting mostly better. The number of wars is going down, tolerance for other […]


The Angry Echo Chamber

Stephen Colbert is brilliant, just brilliant: Yes, that’s twice this week I’ve done postings about Sarah Palin. But I have an explanation: with all the mess and bad news both internationally and domestically, we need some comic relief.


What’s Wrong with American Business

You can’t get a much better example of why American business sucks. Forbes magazine just published an article “5 Reasons Why You Should Admire Comcast“. If I didn’t know better, I would think it was satire, but it isn’t. First, the article is so full of misinformation it isn’t even funny. Like one of their […]


Hillary Clinton

I was recently invited to attend a private event, a live interview with Hillary Clinton followed by her answering questions from the audience. I had to think about it. I was never a huge fan of Bill Clinton’s presidency, and Hillary was a full partner in that. I was also dismayed by some of her […]



© Amber Butler Someone I don’t know sent me this comic that she had drawn. It is not only quite good, but came at a time when I’ve been having conversations with various people about what is going on in the Middle East (mostly Gaza, Israel, Syria, Iraq, and Iran). About the only thing we […]


Legalize Vice!

Once upon a time we tried to make drinking alcohol illegal. We all know how that turned out. And finally (after WAY too long) states are starting to make recreational use of marijuana legal, with promising results. Likewise, we finally eliminated laws against gay sex, and the world didn’t end. In fact, we took the […]


Fracking and Earthquakes

States that are using the recently popular technique of fracking (hydraulic fracturing) are seeing a dramatic increase in earthquake activity. How dramatic? From 1978 to 2008, Oklahoma was struck with an average of two quakes of 3.0 magnitude or greater. In the time period, June 2009 to June 19, 2014, there were 207 such quakes […]


John Oliver Explains the Wealth Gap

The defining challenge of our time and fundamental threat to our way of life, or class warfare? In particular, I’m always amazed when people complain about inheritance taxes, when in fact they have already been all but abolished. Heck, I believe inheritance taxes should be increased dramatically. If ten million dollars tax free isn’t enough […]


More Honest Political Ads

These are brilliant: You can contribute here. And speaking of honesty, be sure to read about the benefits you get for your contribution. And these aren’t the only guys out there fighting political corruption. Be sure to check out the Mayday Super PAC, whose goal is eliminate Super PACS (including their own). Irony!


Just the Place to Go!

© Tom Tomorrow I love Tom Tomorrow’s ability to point out the ridiculous nature of our situation. Just why is it that corporation that (may or may not) employ us are responsible for our health? And how do these corporations hold religious beliefs? And how the Supreme Court can use legal phrases like “sincerely held […]


An Honest Politician

At last, a completely honest politician. But you might be surprised by what he is saying: And he’s being funded by an IndieGoGo campaign.
