Florida is one of the states that refused to expand Medicare coverage for poor people. Instead, last March the Republican-controlled state government created an alternative to Obamacare called Florida Health Choices, and appropriated over $2.5 million to start it up and launch its website. So, how did that work out for them? So far, six […]
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A week or so ago, the Chicago Cubs had a bit of a disaster. Four and a half innings into the game it started raining — hard — but they didn’t have enough grounds crew to cover the field with tarps quickly enough. The attempt to cover the field was so pitiful the audience booed. […]
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Thursday, August 28, 2014
Jon Stewart nails it again, with humor. My favorite quote is the guy who says “You know who talks about race? Racists.” Isn’t he talking about race? Does that mean he is identifying himself as a racist? If so, then I’m agreeing with him!
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© Shannon Wheeler Maybe we shouldn’t let the police in Ferguson play cops and robbers either.
Three law enforcement officers (from three different police departments) involved in the Ferguson events have been suspended because of their extremely racist words and actions. How extreme? Here are some examples, courtesy of New York magazine: St. Louis County officer Dan Page appears in a video posted to YouTube of an hour long speech he […]
How does war mongering work? Well, first you plant the seeds of fear. So it is hardly any surprise that presidential candidate and governor of Texas Rick Perry told an audience at the conservative Heritage Foundation in DC that it is a “very real possibility” that terrorists from the extremest group ISIS may have crossed […]
Saturday, August 23, 2014
Victor White was arrested in Louisiana on drug charges. But what happened next is confusing, to say the least. According to the Sheriff’s office, White – even though his hands were handcuffed behind his back – somehow managed to pull out a handgun he had hidden in his pants and then shot himself in the […]
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I love it when Republicans try to get the Hispanic vote. In a political ad run by Florida Governor Rick Scott, small businessman Maikel Duarte-Torres gives the gov a hug and says: Four years ago, the economy was very bad. Rick Scott helped Florida’s economy and you can see the difference. He’s created jobs. That’s […]
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
© Jon Kudelka Can you tell if this comic is set in Fallujah or Ferguson? Believe it or not, this comic is actually from 2004, and was depicting a war zone. I guess we brought the war home.
When you hear the exact same warning from people as divergent as Rand Paul and the CATO Institute, Glenn Greenwald and the ACLU, and even nonpolitical sources like Popular Mechanics, you suspect that you should take the problem seriously. The problem? The escalating militarization of police departments across the country. Do police still protect citizens, […]
About the time that Jonathan Saenz became the president of Texas Values, he was going through a divorce. But court documents from the divorce have now become public, which may explain why Saenz became one of the most active lobbyists against gay rights (endorsing gay conversion therapy and even siding against anti-gay bullying victims). According […]
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Thursday, August 14, 2014
A state-of-the-union curse? Hundreds of microwaves from Walmart used to make health supplements out of tobacco? Snake oil? Corruption? Influence peddling? Affairs? Nut bags? Indeed, in politics, truth is often stranger than any fiction.
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Last week, I posted about governor Sam Brownback, and how his conservative revolution in Kansas has left the state a mess. Well, this week a new poll is showing that support for Brownback’s challenger has surged, giving Democrat Paul Davis a 10-point lead.
I guess it is official now. On a radio show on Sunday, former Veep Dick Cheney declared “They can’t blame George Bush anymore“. From now on, everything that goes wrong in this country is the fault of Barack Obama. In fact, Cheney says that he traces “most” of the problems in Washington to the current […]
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© Shannon Wheeler After all, the second amendment doesn’t specifically exclude nuclear weapons. So don’t I have a constitutionally guaranteed right to build one?