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Category Archives: Irony

bizarre and ironic

Well what did they expect?

It seems that Republicans have figured out that they are appealing to a shrinking base. So do they, you know, decide to actually support policies that appeal to people who aren’t older white men? Of course not. Instead, they try to look hip by launching a social media PR campaign. Unfortunately, they don’t really understand […]


Nothing to Fear but…

© Clay Bennett I still think Ebola is more of a psychological plague than a medical one.


A Drug Testing Program that Makes Sense!

Republicans have been passing laws to require drug testing of welfare recipients. Florida tested food stamp recipients for four months in 2012 (until it was halted by a court on constitutional grounds), they found that less than 3% tested positive. In Arizona they tested 87,000 – how many tested positive? One. So the approx $2.76 […]


Psychological Plague

I keep hearing people freaking out about Ebola. Please stop. Right now, Ebola is more of a psychological plague than a medical one. And you are helping spread the psychological plague. And most of the things people say about Ebola are myths that have been debunked. Let’s get some perspective: Virtually all of the deaths […]


Trickle down Charity?

The Chronicle of Philanthropy has put another nail in the coffin of trickle down economics. Using IRS data from 2006 to 2012, they found that as the US economy has come out of recession, while most of the new income has gone to the richest Americans, those people who earn $200,000 or more have actually […]


Hot Tip

A number or restaurants are starting to ban tipping, and instead are paying their employees a real, living wage and even providing benefits. I say it is about time. I wish more restaurants would ban tipping. I think it is evil. Why? Did you know that the minimum wage for tipped workers (not just waiters) […]


Bad Memory

Gov. Rick Perry shows once again that he has a bad memory. You’ve probably heard that a man (who had a knife) jumped the White House fence and made it into the executive mansion before he was tackled by the Secret Service. So of course, do Republican express concern for our president? Not Rick Perry. […]


It is getting worse

According to political numbers site 538 the numbers are getting worse. As of this morning, the Republicans now have a 60% probability of winning a majority in the Senate. Oh well, I guess it just proves once again that you can buy an election in the USA.


The Pitchforks are Coming!

Like Nick Hanauer, I am an unrepentant capitalist. But capitalism only works if, as he says, it is well managed. And right now, we are doing a worse than terrible job of managing our capitalists and plutocrats. Income inequality is rising at insane rates. The end result, history has shown us again and again, is […]


How We Go To War

© Tom Tomorrow Seven simple steps! And you knew someone was going to bring up Hitler, didn’t you? We have gotten so good at justifying new wars. I just wish we were as good at ending them. Also, I can’t seem to get rid of this nagging feeling that we are being suckered into this […]


In Hot Water

Jon Stewart tells Fox News to “shut up” and adds “fuck you and your false patriotism”: Is it my imagination, or is Jon Stewart actually getting angry about the media noise machine? If so, I love it. Because if we are indeed watching the decline and fall of America, I don’t want it to end […]


Abuse of Power

Wow. Just wow. I knew that Republicans were the party of no, but I didn’t realize that they would argue that it would be an abuse of power to just do your frickin’ job. So here is the situation. Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder has resigned. Obama will now nominate someone, who has to be […]


Pundit Blowback

Pundits should be given a big dose of their own 20-20 hindsight medicine: © Jen Sorensen It always amazes me how wrong the pundits are, but for some stupid reason the media keeps putting them on TV to make more stupid prognostications.



Are you worried about the Republicans taking over control of the Senate? Apparently you are in the minority. In fact, only 36% of Americans can correctly identify the party that controls both the House and the Senate. Interestingly, there is virtually no difference between Republicans and Democrats in answering this question correctly.


Applying Heat

Around 400,000 people gathered in New York City Sunday to demand action on climate change, making it the largest climate march in history. The march started with a moment of silence, with thousands walking through Times Square with their fists in the air but without making a sound. Tweeters declared that they had never heard […]
