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Category Archives: Irony

bizarre and ironic

Obamacare Saves 50,000 Lives and $12 Billion

A little known part of the ACA has saved a significant number of lives and money. In 1999, several studies came out that showed that a significant cause of death in the US were simple mistakes made by hospitals. Things like giving people the wrong medicines or the wrong dosage. Or from people getting preventable […]


Existing While Black

© Ruben Bolling While this comic might take some liberties for comic effect, it is scary how many people view behaviors far differently depending on the skin color of the person doing the behavior. Even people who aren’t particularly racist. For example, if you saw a black person carrying a hunting rifle around in an […]


Against Everything They Stand For

Katrina vanden Heuvel (editor and publisher of The Nation) has published a powerful opinion piece in the Washington Post about net neutrality. I like this one because it doesn’t depend on technical arguments or anything speculative. It just uses clear examples to show why letting the telecoms have their way with the internet would threaten […]


Strike Two

Jon Stewart reacts to yet another grand jury decision to not indict a white policeman who illegally put a choke hold on a black man (which resulted in his death), with the whole thing video recorded by a bystander.


The Negro Question

[Albert Einstein wrote this in 1946. Given what is going on right now, I think it is relevant. I completely agree that people often unquestioningly accept things with which they have grown up, and that travel is a good way to help question one’s beliefs.] I am writing as one who has lived among you […]


The Fall of Abortion?

An article in The Atlantic points out something interesting. The abortion rate has been falling dramatically for the last 40 years, after rising sharply in the 1970s (after Roe v. Wade legalized it in 1973). You might think that this is because of improved access to birth control, but there is almost no evidence to […]


Dear Evangelicals: You’re Being Had

An interesting article in The Daily Beast points out what should be obvious to everyone by now — the GOP may pay lip service to social conservatives, but they haven’t actually done much of anything for them. The interesting part is why — you can’t solve a cultural problem with a political solution. Or stated […]


Immigration. Blah blah blah

After Obama announced his executive action to clean up some of our immigration mess, Republicans screamed bloody murder. As reported here over a week ago: Rep Steve King said that Obama was “throwing this nation into a crisis”. And Senator Tom Coburn warned of “violent reactions” from people who disagree with Obama, saying “the country’s […]


Gerrymandering Democracy

A new study from Duke University in North Carolina gives strong statistical proof that the practice of Gerrymandering is perverting our democracy. North Carolina has 13 congressional districts. In the study, they drew a series of 100 congressional district maps randomly. They took the actual vote results from the 2012 election and totaled them for […]


How to be Safe

© Matt Bors The main thing I don’t understand about the whole mess in Ferguson (despite lots of weird things that happened) is why did the black community decide that this was the straw to break the camel’s back? I think that blacks have plenty to be angry about concerning how they are treated by […]


Why the 2014 Midterms Were Bad News for Republicans

Wait a minute, didn’t the Republicans just sweep the midterm elections in their largest wave in modern history? Didn’t they increase their majority in the House and take over the Senate? Isn’t the GOP now boasting that the American people repudiated the entire Democratic agenda? Isn’t Obama so unpopular that even Democratic candidates were distancing […]


Long Live Benghazi!

The GOP-led investigation by the House Intelligence Committee took two years to study the attack on the US embassy in Benghazi. It was not the first Congressional investigation to look into it (in fact, it was the seventh), but Republicans promised that it would be the authoritative one. Well, like all the investigations before it, […]


Toothless Dog

The list of crimes committed by large banks is long: money laundering for terrorists and drug cartels, manipulation of interest rates to defraud investors, rigging commodities markets to raise the prices you pay, mortgage fraud (including breaking state and federal laws when kicking people out of their homes and foreclosing on them), and manipulating municipal […]


Preemptive Attack

The GOP is promising to “swiftly counter Obama’s immigration moves“. Senator Mitch McConnell even gave a speech today and declared that Obama would regret ignoring the wishes of the American people. McConnell said “We’re considering a variety of options”, which is a reference to shutting down the government or impeaching Obama. According to the NY […]


Impeach President Obama

[excerpted from an article by Leonard Pitts Jr. in the Miami Herald] Dear Republican Party: Impeach President Obama. Go ahead, you know you want to do it. The very thought makes you warm and gooey inside. You have already floated many rationales for doing so. You’ve wanted to impeach him both for things he’s done […]
