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Category Archives: Irony

bizarre and ironic

Hit Bottom Yet?

I’ve repeatedly reported on the great Conservative Utopia experiment going on in Kansas (headquarters of the conservative Koch browsers). Naturally, every time they get bad news, the conservatives just double down on cutting even more taxes and destroying even more of the social safety net, claiming that they just have to keep doing the same […]



The new Republican-controlled Senate immediately started paying back their largest campaign donors – the oil companies – by pushing for approval of the Keystone XL pipeline. Ironically, the beneficiaries of Keystone are mainly Canadian companies, but with our new rules that allow political contributions to remain completely anonymous, it is no surprise that there would […]


It’s Alive!

© Zack Weinersmith Ever get the feeling that the echo chamber has taken on a life of its own, and doesn’t reflect the opinions of any real people? Back in 1964, Marshall McLuhan said, “The medium is the message”. It is even more true today. McLuhan believed that a medium itself shapes and controls “the […]


The Last Laugh

The Charlie Hebdo killing was a tragedy, but it was also full of irony and was a stunning source of satire. In honor of that, I give Tom Tomorrow the last word. Over and Out: © Tom Tomorrow


Death and Money

© Ted Rall The weekly circulation of Charlie Hebdo is normally around 60,000. But in the aftermath of the death of 17 people, sales have topped 5 million copies. I’m not really sure what to say about that, but you gotta admit it is ironic.


Happy MLK Jr. Day!

© Joel Pett Today is the day to remember that one person can make a difference. Even one person who was persecuted, spied on, and eventually assassinated. One person who was not perfect, but who fought for a cause. We live in a world that is not just 24/7 information, but information that is supplied […]


Seizing the Moment!

Finally! Attorney General Eric Holder today barred police from using Federal civil asset forfeiture laws without warrants or criminal charges. The laws were originally passed as part of the (failed) war on drugs (to confiscate money made in the drug trade, but quickly turned into a money-making operation for local police departments. Over 55,000 seizures […]


Late Night Political Humor

“President Obama met with the president of Mexico. When asked what it’s like to govern 100 million Mexican people, Obama said, ‘It can be challenging.’” – Jimmy Fallon “Some more news out of Washington. During a recent interview, a White House adviser said Joe Biden is the reason President Obama got elected both times. Then […]


Cartoons Against Terrorism

© Tom Tomorrow The Nib has a special series of responses to the Charlie Hebdo massacre from other cartoonists. This includes a particularly powerful piece from a Muslim cartoonist. But all of them are short and well worth a read.


Late Night Political Humor – Charlie Hebdo

“This is really hard to do but I’d like to change the tone now and briefly mention today’s terrible tragedy in France. Twelve people were killed because a satirical newspaper made jokes that some group found offensive. All of us are accustomed to bad news from around the world. But this story hits home for […]


Satire Strikes Back!

How do you fight against powerful religion-based terrorist networks like ISIS? By using satire and humor! CBS News reports that “television networks across the Middle East have begun airing cartoons and comedy programs using satire to criticize the group and its claims of representing Islam.” A producer and writer of a show that mocks ISIS […]


F off!

The mayor of Rotterdam (in the Netherlands) is Muslim (born in Morocco). Speaking on live TV just hours after the attack on Charlie Hebdo, Mayor Aboutaleb said to Islamists: It is incomprehensible that you can turn against freedom… But if you don’t like freedom, for heaven’s sake pack your bags and leave. There may be […]


Freedom of Speech?

The only reasonable response to the massacre of 12 people at the satirical French publication Charlie Hebdo is condemnation. It is never acceptable to respond to freedom of speech with violence and terror. Having said that, however, there is quite a bit of irony around this event, and I would be remiss in my duties […]


The Enemy of Freedom…

© Jen Sorensen Absolute freedom is another name for anarchy and feudalism. The solution is to find a fair compromise based on facts. Too bad we seem to have forgotten how to do that. In addition, this comic failed to mention religious freedom. Given the recent news, probably wisely.


The 70% Solution

Florida became the 36th state to legalize gay marriage yesterday. That means that 70% of Americans live in a state where same-sex couples can marry, and marry they did. While a story like this isn’t ironic anymore, that in itself is what is ironic about it. Yes, there are a few people in Florida who […]
