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Category Archives: Irony

bizarre and ironic

Dear Putin

This is a photo taken during a recent protest in Berlin, in front of the Brandenburg Gate. The gate itself is showing the Ukrainian flag colors. There is some irony here, since when he killed himself in a bunker, Hitler was the leader of Germany. But the ironic change is welcome.


This is the way the Pandemic ends

Not with a bang, but a whimper. SNL discusses the ultimate Covid questions. Personally, I wish more people had worn masks and been fully vaccinated. Considering that around 6 million (and counting) people have died from Covid-19, it was obviously incumbent on us to do everything we could to combat it. After all, when 6 […]


Oh Shit!

Lauren Boebert is a Republican far-right congressperson from Colorado who loves Donald Trump, QAnon, conspiracy theories. She is famous for insulting people who hold religious beliefs different than hers, and she supported the rioters who stormed the US Capitol on January 6, 2021. She regularly carries a firearm to her workplace in the Capitol, and […]


Capitalism and Covid

I mean, what’s the point of a pandemic if you can’t make lots of money from it?


Happy New Year!

At the end of last year, Los Angeles County released the following data: Unvaccinated people in the county are 14 times more likely to die from COVID-19 than those that have been fully vaccinated. The hospitalization rate for the unvaccinated has increased to 28 per 100,000 people, while for vaccinated people it has remained relatively […]


Dance of the Virus Proteins

This may not be humorous, but how ironic is someone doing an interpretive dance about their own PhD research on the proteins in SARS-CoV-2. This will make all you science nerds dance with joy!


Presidency with no Responsibility!

Mark Twain once proposed that human kings and queens should be replaced with feline monarchs. Cats are easy to worship and obey, but they don’t cause major problems like most human sovereigns. Ironically, a couple of weeks ago, Jordan Klepper from The Daily Show went to a Donald Trump rally in Iowa. He interviewed quite […]


Cue the Gladiators!

This map has been making the rounds, showing the highest paid public employee in each state. And in 80% of the states, that employee, who is often pulling down multiple million dollars a year, is a football or basketball coach at a public university. Now here’s the kicker. Just who is paying for the salaries […]


This is the way the world ends…

With a bang and a whimper. I just can’t get enough of this little animation. It concisely wraps up all my fears for this country. Axios says about the 2024 Republican nomination: Almost every top Republican we talk to said it would take a severe illness, death — or criminal charges sticking — to stop […]


The Profit Motive

Lobbyist Grover Norquist famously said that he wanted to “Starve the Beast” to reduce the size of government “down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub.” There’s just one problem. Not everything can be done by private enterprise. Don’t get me wrong, I am a strong believer in capitalism and private […]


Why we have Fallen

The Atlantic has an interesting article about the fact that the US — despite being the world leader in developing and manufacturing Covid vaccines — is falling way behind in actually getting our citizens vaccinated. The U.S. is no longer in the top five in national vaccine rates. We’re not in the top 10, or […]


Herman Cain Award

A subreddit — r/HermanCainAward — chronicles people who were against vaccinations and masks, but succumbed to the coronavirus. Slate has posted an article about the subreddit, which is also a must-read. I’ve noticed that people I talk to are becoming more and more angry over those who refuse to get vaccinated. One big fear is […]


Stupid Is, as Stupid Does

The California recall election shows dramatically that you can only cry wolf so many times before people stop believing you. Trump-loving Larry Elder spent most of the election day claiming that he had discovered patterns of fraud in the vote tallies. There’s just one problem — as most of us know, vote tallies are not […]


Naked Mask Avenger!

At a school district board meeting in Texas on Monday, a father used irony and sarcasm to make the point that there are rules that we all should follow for the good of our country and our fellow citizens. He mocked the current crazy psuedo libertarian mindset against wearing masks and getting vaccinated with several […]


Happy Labor Day

How ironic is it that today is the day that just under 9 million Americans lost their unemployment benefits. On “Labor Day”. These are special benefits enacted because of the Covid pandemic, going to people who lost their jobs through no fault of their own. During the Great Recession, jobless benefits were extended from when […]
