Everybody, including Republicans, like to tout small businesses as the strongest source of economic development. It is where most new jobs come from, not to mention new ideas. Which is why people should shake their heads when Gov. (and likely presidential candidate) Scott Walker brags about his record in Wisconsin. A major study released this […]
© Adam Zyglis It’s no fairy tale. According to an article in the NY Times, around 250 information technology employees working for Disney were laid off from their jobs. These are the people who keep the computer systems running at DisneyWorld. But the ironic part is that in order to get their severance package, these […]
John Oliver points out the lack of justice in one important aspect of our justice system – paying bail – which makes a mockery of “innocent until proven guilty”: And not only is this putting quite a few innocent people in jail, it is costing taxpayers a ton of money.
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A few weeks ago, the PBS program “Frontline” broadcast “Secrets, Politics and Turture”, which they describe as “The secret history of the CIA’s controversial ‘enhanced interrogation’ methods”. You can watch this program online, and you really should. Why am I saying this to you? Because there was a small amount of publicity after it was […]
Same as the old boss! [sometimes I wonder if anyone else is old enough to get these references. –iron] © Rebecca Hendin Don’t you feel so much better now that instead of the NSA spying on you, they changed the law so that now the telcos will be doing the spying? So much for not […]
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Tagged Spying
A recent poll performed by the NY Times and CBS News confirms that Americans believe that money is causing major problems with our politics. A stunning 84% say that money has too much influence on political campaigns, and 85% say that candidates who win public office then promote policies that favor people and groups who […]
© Matt Bors Why is it that many people who participate in discussions on the internet totally lose it? The same people likely would be much more reasonable if they were talking face-to-face. Some people think it is the lack of feedback, but there certainly is feedback on the internet. Others say that it is […]
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[This is a guest post from Marc S. Berman, who has written numerous articles and opinion pieces on politics, law, and current events.] America’s political divide now envelops the United States Supreme Court. For example, when the Court decides that the billionaire Koch brothers can buy elections, its ruling is perceived as conservative. Democrats stop […]
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Under the “leadership” of conservative governor Sam “trickle down economics” Brownback – who instituted massive tax and spending cuts and promised “enormous prosperity” – Kansas has instead gone to hell in a handbasket. Now, things are getting even worse there. The state is completely controlled by Republicans, but they don’t seem to be able to […]
“George W. Bush gave a commencement speech at Southern Methodist University this weekend. It was pretty inspirational. He said, ‘As I like to tell the ‘C’ students, you too can be president.’ Even George W. Bush has George W. Bush comedy material in his act.” – Jimmy Fallon “Lindsey Graham is now the seventh Republican […]
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Do Republicans not believe in evolution because they don’t know how to evolve along with American attitudes? Since 1999, Gallup has been tracking the ideology of Americans, asking them whether they consider themselves socially conservative or socially liberal. This year, for the very first time, the same number of people identified as socially liberal as […]
Forget about “Death Panels” (even though it was PolitiFact’s Lie of the Year). The most pervasive lie about Obamacare is that the ACA costs more than what was estimated. How pervasive? A recent poll shows that a plurality of Americans (42%) believe that Obamacare has cost “more than expected”. Only 10% think it cost “about […]
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has released a working paper that attempts to quantify the total cost of subsidies we pay for fossil fuels. This includes not just direct payments and tax breaks for energy companies, but also the cost of “externalities” like cleaning up after oil spills and health costs directly attributable to the […]
© Ruben Bolling I can’t fault Bolling’s somewhat cynical assertion that when a prominent Republican says or does something, they are pretty much only considering whether it will give them a political advantage. Whether or not it is a good idea or what kind of effect it will have on the country is largely immaterial. […]
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I usually try to stay out of the personal lives of politicians. In addition I will admit that I have a bit of a soft spot for Alan Grayson, who as a Congressman was willing to say things that other politicians would not dare. But what can I do when his big mouth blurts out […]