Amazingly enough, the Republicans have voted again to repeal Obamacare. The vote failed. Isn’t this the definition of insanity?
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[I’m quoting an article by Jim Wright from Stonekettle Station in its entirety (minus the addendum, which you should go read).] “The reality is that John McCain the politician has made America less safe, sent our brave soldiers into wrong-headed foreign adventures, covered up for President (Barack) Obama with the VA scandal and has spent […]
Courtesy of Daniel Kurtzman at, here are the top 10 crazy, vain, stupid, and just plain wrong things that have come out of the mouth of Donald Trump. The Republican Party can’t distance themselves from him. Trump is the current GOP. “He’s not a war hero. He’s a war hero because he was captured. […]
President Obama appears for an extended interview on the Daily Show, and discusses Iran, the media, partisanship, and public service. I wish more news were like this, and it is ironic that we have to watch a comedy fake news show to see it. And I also want to point out that the Social Security […]
© Lalo Alcaraz As the things that come out of the mouth of Donald Trump become uglier and stupider, the more popular he gets with Republicans. He is now polling ahead of all other Republican presidential candidates. Doesn’t that tell you pretty much everything you need to know about the GOP?
Finally! The Atlantic published an article titled “Blame the Banks” (written by a former banker), asking the question that I’ve been asking for a while. I keep hearing people accuse Greece of “reckless borrowing”. Why isn’t anyone accusing the banks of “reckless lending”? It is also interesting to note that people keep talking about financial […]
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© Tom Tomorrow I admit that I have something of a feeling of schizophrenic ambivalence about the upcoming elections. I mean, there is so much more political irony out there during a presidential election. On the other hand, haven’t we seen just about everything that is possibly ironic, over and over again? Is there anything […]
© Matt Wuerker In some ways, given the ferocious nature of right-wing media attacks against Obama, and even against her husband, I can’t blame Hillary Clinton for being careful around the press. Wouldn’t you be? It is a shame, because when I saw her talk at a private event, she was very open and answered […]
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Donald Trump called undocumented immigrants from Mexico to the USA “criminals” and “rapists”. Well, it looks like Canada feels the same way about undocumented immigrants from the USA. This includes US war deserters from the Iraq war, who left because of what they witnessed in Iraq, including unprovoked acts of violence against civilians.
I don’t know why we fall for really stupid economic theories, but it may have something to do with the huge amount of money being spent to convince 99% of Americans that it will be good for us to give all our money to the 1%. First it was “trickle down economics” until that was […]
© Tom Tomorrow If Scalia weren’t bad enough, we have his sidekick “Scalito”. It might have been overshadowed by other decisions, but yes, the Supreme Court did rule that capital executions could move forward, even though three recent executions resulted in long and apparently excruciatingly painful death, “the chemical equivalent of being burned alive”. Silly […]
I’ve been thinking about the economic crisis in Greece (and the rest of Europe), and I have one question: When did bankers stop acting like businessmen and start acting like gangsters, who will kneecap customers if they don’t repay their loans? I don’t ask this question because I am a socialist, I ask it because […]
Jon Stewart has a good point. Donald Trump is not the problem. The problem is us. Why do we pay attention to anything Trump says? Trump is following the traditional right-wing script. Now he’s whining about being America’s whipping post because he’s willing to bring up things like immigration that nobody else wants to talk […]
© David Horsey Do you ever wonder why so little of the radical conservative agenda ever becomes reality? For example, even when the GOP controlled all three branches of our government, abortion remained legal. Remember when gays were the favorite whipping boys of Republican political candidates? And now, the Supreme Court opinion legalizing same sex […]
I will never recognize it in my heart because God gave marriage between a man and a woman and that’s what marriage is. And I don’t think the court – since it never defined marriage – doesn’t have the right to redefine it. God gave us marriage. Period. And God doesn’t change his mind. I’m […]