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Category Archives: Irony

bizarre and ironic


John Oliver brilliantly shows that the rip-off scam known as televangelism is still alive and well, preying (not praying) on the weak, sick, or just plain stupid. And because they are churches, televangelists are completely tax exempt, meaning that we taxpayers are contributing to their ill-gotten gains.


Budget in the Eye of the Beholder

© Joel Pett Republicans say we have to cut spending. Well, except for military spending. And subsidies for the fossil fuel industry. And all their other pet projects … But one thing is clear. Republicans are in favor of spending that benefits the rich (like tax cuts), but against spending the benefits the poor (like […]


Beam Me Up, Scottie!

© Tom Tomorrow Has the Republican Party gone past the point of no return? Do they have any legitimacy left? Or will it get worse? Stay tuned.


Back to Torture?

Jeb Bush has again said that (if he is elected president) that there may be occasions when he would authorize the use of brutal interrogation techniques in order to keep the country safe. This, despite the fact that the 2014 Senate report, which reviewed the CIA records, concluded that the use of torture “enhanced interrogation […]


The Cold War is Over

Today, three former Marines, the same men who lowered the American flag for the last time in Havana in 1961, raised the flag for the first time in 54 years in Cuba. The final remnant of the Cold War is gone, and good riddance. Now we just have to end the stupid US embargo, which […]


Haters Gotta Monger

Who are the people arguing against the Iran nuclear deal? Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Former US Ambassador to the UN John Bolton. US Senators Lindsey Graham and Chuck Schumer. What do all these people have in common? They all passionately supported the US invasion of Iraq. At least they are consistent, even if it […]


Out of Step with the World

It is not ironic that the Republicans oppose Obama’s deal with Iran – the deal that prevents Iran from developing nuclear weapons in exchange for the lifting of economic sanctions against them. After all, not only do Republicans automatically oppose virtually everything Obama does, they seem to really like starting wars in the Middle East. […]


We’re Gonna Miss You, Jon Stewart

Jon Stewart says goodbye to the Daily Show tonight. The way I see it, if Donald Trump gets elected president, it will be Stewart’s fault (just kidding!). On the other hand, if Trump becomes president, I’d bet Stewart will regret leaving the Daily Show. It is not often one receives a gold mine like that. […]


Fox Guarding the Hen House

Does anyone else find it strange and inappropriate that Fox News gets to choose the candidates that will appear in the first Republican Presidential debate? It doesn’t help that they have been less than transparent about how they are picking, and the results of who they picked surprised a few people. Shouldn’t it be up […]


We get what we deserve

Bloomberg put together a focus group of twelve Republican and independent voters to find out why Donald Trump is so popular. I’ve gotta wonder what reality these people are living in. Saying “Trump tells the truth”? I’m having trouble finding a single thing on PolitiFact where Trump earned a “true” rating.


Fox News is Killing the GOP

A recent article in Salon starts with a headline that says it all: “Sean Hannity is killing the GOP: Fox News & conservative media have the party in a stranglehold“. At one point the Republicans might have thought Fox News was on their side, but one has to wonder what the GOP is thinking now […]



Techdirt has a stunning article showing how corrupt we have become. The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) was trying to force Google’s search engine to stop linking to content that MPAA didn’t like. Search engines are supposed to search for websites, but the MPAA wanted the power to make sites they don’t like simply […]


Out-Trumping Trump

Republican politicians figured out a long time ago that running for president was a good way to get lots of publicity (often for free). This resulted in the 2012 Republican primary having a mind numbing total of 20 television debates and a slew of additional debate-like events, including a Twitter debate sponsored by The […]


No to Transparency

As part of Obama’s effort to increase transparency and participation in government, the website allows people to submit petitions, and guarantees that if any petition receives more than 100,000 signatures, it will receive a response. It is somewhat ironic then that the response to a relatively popular petition was used to strike a blow […]


The Party of Lincoln

© Pat Bagley That’s right, Rick Perry thinks that the proper response to the theatre shooting spree that left three people dead (including the shooter) and 11 injured is to have more guns in theatres. What would Lincoln think about that?
