Monday, November 16, 2015
You really should go read a stunning article in Politico Magazine, which interviewed all living former CIA directors and other intelligence officers to answer the question “Did the Bush administration know that an attack was coming?”. And according to the CIA, the answer is an unequivocal yes. Not only did Dubya and his administration not […]
Sunday, November 15, 2015
A woman in Massachusetts won the right to wear a colander on her head in her driver’s license photo: Lindsay Miller is a member of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Also known as Pastafarians, members are encouraged to wear a colander in official identification photos as a public expression of their belief. I […]
Thursday, November 12, 2015
I’ve complained about “dark money” – unlimited money coming from 501(c)(4) and 501(c)(6) organizations that don’t have to disclose their donors, and who can use that money for political campaigns. Because they don’t have to disclose their donors, their money can come from foreign enemies, even criminal or terrorist organizations. Well, it is getting worse. […]
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
© Jen Sorensen Yes, it is true, Arizona is now the only state that has a one-year lifetime limit on Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) benefits. Which means that next July, about half the people currently receiving benefits will lose them. What’s ironic about this is that TANF is specifically designed to move people […]
While the Citizens United decision and the rise of big money and Super PACs had a huge effect on the 2010 midterm election, they don’t seem to be having as much of an impact on the current presidential primaries. Don’t get me wrong, there is even more money being spent this time, but it doesn’t […]
Saturday, November 7, 2015
Here’s a cute app that helps you follow the money. It is a free browser extension for Chrome, Safari, and Firefox (sorry IE users!). After you install it, when you are using your browser and it shows the name of a major politician, you can hover your cursor over the name and it will show […]
© Joel Pett Special interests want you to be apathetic. The less you know, and the less you vote, the more power they get. Everyone is given the right to vote. If you don’t, you’re just throwing your power away. It takes less time to vote than it does to complain about how corrupt and […]
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Barack Obama made fun of the Republican candidates for president, saying that these would-be tough guys can’t even handle a bunch of CNBC moderators. During a fundraiser, Obama said: Have you noticed that every one of these candidates says, ‘Obama’s weak. Putin’s kicking sand in his face. When I talk to Putin, he’s going to […]
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
So far, no. Yesterday, the voters of Ohio rejected a ballot measure that would amend the Ohio constitution to legalize marijuana. What’s ironic about this is that many of the organizations who are working to legalize marijuana urged voters to reject the measure. And (even more ironically) I’m glad the measure failed. Drugs are big […]
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Bernie Sanders has finally defined what he means by “Democratic Socialism”. What I mean by Democratic socialism is looking at countries in Scandinavia that have much lower rates of child poverty, that have a fairer tax system that guarantees basic necessities of life to working people. Essentially what I mean by that is creating a […]
Thursday, October 29, 2015
In an odd footnote to Republican Paul Ryan being approved as Speaker of the House, Dennis Hastert pled guilty to evading federal banking laws. Hastert was the longest serving Republican Speaker of the House ever. The guilty plea avoids subjecting Hastert to his day in court, where further details of his misconduct would have to […]
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Steven Colbert, who played himself acting like a conservative for years, banters with Hillary Clinton, who once upon a time (in college) was president of the Young Republicans chapter.
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
One of my favorite political websites, Electoral Vote, has been ramping up for the (still relatively distant) presidential election. In the latest issue, they sum up an article from the NY Times that predicts that Marco Rubio will be the Republican nominee for president. First of all, they point out that exactly five years ago, […]
© Brian McFadden It’s true, the upcoming Democratic debates are all scheduled on weekends. Even if you ignore claims that this was done on purpose, it is clear that this will benefit Hillary Clinton. But nobody should be the least bit surprised by this. The party primaries are one of the least democratic aspects of […]
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© Lee Judge After several Freudian slips confirming that the latest Benghazi Hearings are exactly what everyone expected – a partisan political witch hunt designed to hurt Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, the committee stupidly went ahead with their 11-hour long grilling of Clinton, live on TV. Various mainstream media outlets declared Clinton the winner. NBC […]