Wednesday, November 9, 2022
The Democratic Party tried a rather risky gambit during the midterm election. During the primaries, they promoted far-right Trump-loving candidates (even running ads for them), assuming that such candidates would be easier to defeat in the election. At the time, there was much concern that it might blow up in their face. But did it […]
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Tuesday, November 8, 2022
Hopefully I’m not being premature (it isn’t even midnight on the East Coast yet), but there seem to be two pieces of good news happening in the midterm elections. First, a “red wave” was strongly predicted. After all, traditionally the party in power in the White House loses many seats in Congress – Obama lost […]
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I’m back from my big vacation in Australia (had a wonderful time!), just in time to vote. I just wanted to make sure that everyone else voted. It is the least you can do for your country!
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Sunday, September 18, 2022
It seems like Florida governor, Trump wannabe, and potential presidential aspirant in 2024, Ron DeSantis, likes to use stunts to get attention. There’s just one problem — they seem to backfire on him. Yes, I’ve seen it written that DeSantis is a smarter version of Donald Trump, but that must be an awfully low bar. […]
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Monday, September 5, 2022
Last week, Joe Biden laid a trap for Donald Trump, as well as the entire Republican Party, and TFG fell for it, hook, line, and sinker. As has been noted repeatedly, Republicans desperately wanted the upcoming midterm elections to be a referendum on Biden: the withdrawal from Afghanistan, inflation, gas prices, the border, race, and […]
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Whatever you want to call it: Swindling the swindlers, or grifting the grifters. We already know that Donald Trump was illegally keeping confidential, highly classified documents at his private home and club. And lying about it — in June, one of Trump’s attorneys declared that no classified documents remained at Mar-a-Lago. The next question is, […]
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Saturday, August 20, 2022
From the NY Times: Although Trump White House officials were warned about the proper handling of sensitive material, aides said Mr. Trump had little interest in the security of government documents or protocols to keep them protected. Early on, Mr. Trump became known among his staff as a hoarder who threw all manner of paper […]
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Thursday, August 18, 2022
Are you confused or having trouble keeping track of all the different legal actions against Donald Trump? Or do you just want to know if Trump will eventually pay for all his crimes? Vanity Fair has published an article “The Complete Guide to All The Ways Donald Trump is Legally Screwed.” The article is definitely […]
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Lawrence O’Donnell talks to three highly qualified, serious-minded people (a former US Solicitor General, former FBI General Counsel, and a current national security attorney) about the search for documents at Mar-a-Lago. Around 2:14 he asks them to respond to Trump’s defense. Watch their faces. They seem to be keeping themselves from laughing out loud, but […]
Stephen Colbert sums up the state of the Jan 6 hearings, hilariously. And yet scary as hell. Colbert makes this funny, yet heed the warning from Charlie Sykes in The Bulwark: On Thursday we got a stark reminder that farcical fascism is still fascism. Yes, Jeffrey Clark was a clownish Iago; the theories about Italian […]
It is so ironic that Donald Trump ran for president as an isolationist, who wanted to build walls around America. He seems to have built a wall around himself, isolating him from just about anyone with any sense. As Liz Cheney points out, Trump disregarded his campaign managers, his own lawyers, even his Attorney General, […]
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I have nothing to add to this. When did we all in America become so stupid?
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Wednesday, April 20, 2022
Mallory McMorrow is a Democratic state senator in Michigan, who brilliantly stood up to right-wing hatred today. I hope everyone watches the (under 5 minute) video of her in the Michigan senate. Even James Carville, who recently, and famously complained about Democratic wokeness, had strong praise for McMorrow, saying “Enormously effective piece of communication. There’s […]
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I swear, you can’t possibly make shit like this up. According to The Guardian, Florida has rejected “54 math textbooks because they contain ‘prohibited topics’ including Critical Race Theory” (CRT). Last year, Florida banned the teaching of CRT in public schools. In response, many people pointed out that CRT has never been taught in any […]
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I usually take a very dim view when celebrities try to stick their noses and personal views into politics, especially celebrities who are famous mainly because they are actors. But two separate things happened today that totally surprised me. The first was Arnold Schwarzenegger posting a video to Twitter (and other social media channels). Yes, […]
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