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Category Archives: Irony

bizarre and ironic

Where’s the Money?

One of my favorite sites,, asks a very good question that I haven’t heard before: “How would Donald Trump Fund a General Election Campaign?” Most people assume he would just fund it himself with some of his billions, but it doesn’t work that way. A big percentage of Trump’s net worth is in his […]


Trumped Up Again!

An interesting article explores Trump’s claim that he is drawing in new voters to the Republican party. This may be true, but there is another explanation. Most people don’t vote, and in primary elections it is even worse. Yes, there are more Republicans voting in the presidential primaries this year than usual. But so far, […]


Just the Issues has a short quiz on major issues facing our presidential candidates and voters trying to pick a candidate. While is is not clear (especially in this election) whether people even care about where candidates stand on the issues, it is interesting to see which candidates hold views similar to your own.


History Repeats Itself

Every 52 years, the Republican Party implodes. The GOP was formed in 1854 and elected Abraham Lincoln in 1860. 52 years later, on 1912, the GOP had a civil war and Teddy Roosevelt split off from the Republicans supporting William Howard Taft, into the Progressive (Bull Moose) party, allowing Democrat Woodrow Wilson to become president. […]



© Tom Tomorrow Efforts by the Republican establishment to “stop Trump” are virtually guaranteed to fail. Why? For three main reasons: 1. Just what the heck are they going to use to scare people away from Trump that GOP voters don’t already know about him? That he has no government experience? That he isn’t a […]


Mother of the Year

A whole bunch of people I know are probably going straight to hell for laughing at this story, but it is just too ironic. Jamie Gilt is a gun activist on social media. Her Facebook page is full of pro-gun messages. Earlier this week Gilt had an online discussion where she claimed that having a […]


The Primary Beginning of the End

I know, less than half the primary delegates have been allocated, but it is starting to look like the primary season is wrapping up. On the Democratic side, The Daily Kos has announced that unless Sanders can narrow Clinton’s delegate lead by March 15 (less than a week away), then the entire site will declare […]


The Media is the Message?

Ted Koppel schools Bill O’Reilly on the role of the media in politics. He doesn’t quite say it, but he strongly implies that the media is not doing their job. The news has completely succumbed to “shiny object syndrome” and are far more concerned with ratings and entertainment.


Real Christian Values

It is nice to find a Republican who, at least on one issue, acknowledges reality. The GOP governor of the state of Georgia, Nathan Deal, has strongly denounced a proposed “religious freedom” bill that would exempt religious bigots from prosecution if they discriminate against people with different sexual orientation. What really impressed me, however, is […]


Beyond the Clinton GOP Talking Points

The Republicans and Fox News have been so successful at painting Hillary Clinton as a scandal-plagued hack politician that even liberals often repeat the GOP talking points. Unfortunately, propaganda works, even when you think it won’t. Which is why this article by Jon Favreau is so interesting. Favreau was Obama’s speechwriter during the 2008 election. […]


Trump Bumper Sticker

© Keith Knight With apologies to P.T. Barnum, there’s a racist sucker born every minute. Trump only came close to cementing the Republican nomination on Tuesday, but he certainly cemented Republicans as the party who would vote for a serial con artist for president. In the John Oliver video posted a few days ago, the […]


John Oliver Demolishes Drumpf

John Oliver takes on Donald Trump. Or should I say Drumpf? Hilarity (and a fantastic rant) ensues. This segment should be required watching for anyone who even thinks Trump would make a good president. And be sure to use the hashtag #makedonalddrumpfagain and visit UPDATE: According to an article in the NY Times, search […]



Some interesting facts about the primary contest so far. First is that polling has become much more difficult. For example, in South Carolina every major poll except one predicted that Hillary Clinton would beat Bernie Sanders by between 18 and 30 points. The lone dissenting poll predicted that she would win by 50 points, so […]


Changing the Rules

We seem so willing to give up our rights in exchange for a little safety, by forcing technology companies like Apple to install backdoors in their encryption. But not for gun rights. Think about how many lives would be saved if we just tightened up a few loopholes in gun laws, like the loophole that […]


The Worm in the Apple

© Signe Wilkinson The dispute between Apple and the FBI will be going on for a while. The government can’t even protect their own secrets. And yet they ask us to trust them to put backdoors into the devices that contain our passwords and other details about our most private information, including our health, wealth, […]
