Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Most people think of the Republican party as being made up of evangelicals and fiscal conservatives, held together by AM radio and Fox News. Never mind that when Republicans were in power they spent money like drunken sailors while not accomplishing much in their social agenda (and even going backwards on gay rights). But at […]
© Jen Sorensen For the life of me, I keep changing my mind about who would be worse, Donald Trump or Ted Cruz. Most of the time, I think Cruz is worse, because he really believes the stupidity he spouts, and he knows he is right because, um, god talks to him. Then Trump does […]
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
There was an article in Politico last week titled “Bankers for Bernie“, about bankers and financiers who support Bernie Sanders. Frankly, there should be many more of them. After all, if you know anything at all about finance and economics, you should know that they are not a zero-sum game. As they say, a rising […]
I’ve posted about our national love affair with lead poisoning before, but John Oliver almost makes it funny. Well, except that something this tragic isn’t funny at all. We spend billions, if not trillions on fighting terrorism, and yet we won’t spend the money to clean up the lead in our environment, the lead that […]
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Should a politician have their own principles and stick to them even if they are unpopular, or is the job of a politician to represent the opinions of their constituents? Electoral Vote puts it this way: Some voters like their politicians to be completely principled and refuse to compromise those principles, ever. Better a principled […]
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During the Democratic debate last week, Bernie Sanders said: Secretary Clinton cleaned our clock in the Deep South, no question about it. That is the most conservative part of this great country. But you know what, we’re out of the Deep South now. And we’re moving up. Let’s ignore for now the racist implications of […]
Bernie Sanders was just endorsed by Jeff Merkley, the junior senator from Oregon. Why is this newsworthy? Because for Sanders, this is the first endorsement from one of his colleagues in the Senate. I think this is great. No, I haven’t become a Bernie Bro. I still feel exactly the way I have from the […]
Obama explains why he said that Trump and Cruz have done us a favor: I said when I was in L.A. yesterday, and initially people were surprised — I said that I actually think that Donald Trump and Ted Cruz have done us a favor. People said, well, how so? This notion that Donald Trump […]
President Obama appeared on Fox News Sunday and was interviewed by Chris Wallace. Wallace asked Obama why he thought voters were expressing such anger and frustration this election. Obama responded by calling out how both sides are in their own bubble where they just hear things that reinforce their own opinions and fears, saying “I […]
© Rob Rogers One of the things I find strange about the whole Panama Papers scandal is that shell corporations are not actually illegal, and there are legitimate legal reasons for setting them up. In fact, when one of the companies I started years ago was bought by another company, the merger involved two shell […]
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The Boston Globe has created a front page for their newspaper — one year in the future. It is a new world, where Donald Trump is the president, all illegal immigrants are being deported, the Dow has dropped 6000 in one month, the US military has been ordered to kill families of ISIS militants, and […]
© Mike Luckovich And it sure seems to be working. In early March, Obama’s job approval rating went positive for the first time in almost three years. And his approval ratings are going up both with Democrats and Republicans. Right now, compared with other recent two-term presidents at this point in their terms, Obama is […]
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© Dan Wasserman Politico has a fascinating story about the last time the Republicans had an open convention, complete with the triumph of the establishment Gerald Ford against the upstart Ronald Reagan. Republican Party tearing at the seams amid an open convention. Candidates desperately wrangling and wooing delegates. Backroom battles over changes to the rules […]
© Nick Anderson The “pro-life” movement claims that they are against punishing women who get an abortion. I guess Trump didn’t get the memo. All he said was that if abortion is murder (as anti-abortion forces fervently believe), then there has to be some kind of punishment. According to US law, it is still murder […]
For over 30 years until he retired in 2013, Barney Frank was one of the most liberal members of Congress. He was also the first openly gay Congressman. Given the great strides the LGBTQ movement has achieved in the last decade, he has seen what works and what doesn’t. Barney is the “Frank” in Dodd-Frank, […]