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Category Archives: Irony

bizarre and ironic

The Debt Will Jump Under Trump

Will Republicans start accusing the Wall Street Journal (owned by the same people who own Fox News) of having a liberal bias? It wouldn’t surprise me after they published an article titled “Study Sees Debt Jumping Under Trump, Staying Steady Under Clinton“. This is not just the WSJ’s opinion. Several studies have analyzed the tax […]


Theory and Practice

The UK Brexit vote has politicians and pundits theorizing about how that vote, and the ensuing economic turmoil, could have any parallels in Donald Trump’s campaign for the US presidency. After all, both Trump and Brexit are fueled by anti-immigrant sentiment and isolationist reactions to increasing globalism. For a minute, let’s ignore the irony of […]


What would it take to get a Trump voter to change their mind?

Jimmy Kimmel wants to know: This is kinda scary, but it is still funny.


Gun Control

Who’s in charge of our gun laws? Right now we are seeing fights in both houses of Congress over common-sense changes to gun laws. We already require background checks when someone buys a gun from a gun dealer, but that is easy to get around by buying a gun online or from an individual seller […]



An interesting article in Scientific American says that since legalization of Marijuana in Colorado, the number of high school students who use the drug has gone down. The opponents of legalization claimed that legalization of weed would cause teen usage to increase. What’s even more interesting is that the percentage of high-school students in Colorado […]


Britain is Screwed

The British pound has already lost more than 25 cents against the dollar, the worst drop in the history of the UK. Similar drops in various stock markets are expected. It is estimated that the British economy will shrink by 3.8 to 7.5 percent. This is what happens when xenophobia and rampant nationalism win. Brexit […]


What We Need

Bernie Sanders just published an editorial in the Washington Post, and it is really good. He immediately addresses the issue that has concerned me the most, that his campaign and supporters — with attacks on other progressives including Barney Frank and Hillary Clinton — had become a cult of personality (more about Sanders than about […]


An Out for Trump

The Republican establishment finally got Trump to read a speech from a teleprompter rather than winging it like he has been doing since he became the presumptive nominee. What I want to know is who wrote that speech? I also wonder how long Trump will be able to avoid going off script again. It must […]


I know you are, but…

I have a new theory about Donald Trump. It is something I’ve been noticing about him for more than a few weeks now. We all know that Donald Trump likes to attack people, but what I’m observing is that the things that Trump accuses other people of are pretty much all things that he himself […]


A Question of Vice

© Jack Ohman I will admit that I have to shake my head when I read or hear someone worry that having Elizabeth Warren as the Democratic nominee for vice president would have “too many women” on the same ticket. I look forward to the day when such concerns are a matter for derision. But […]


Too Crazy for the NRA

After the Orlando massacre, Donald Trump repeatedly asserted that the people going to the nightclub should have been allowed to carry guns to defend themselves against the shooter. That’s right, Trump actually thought it was a good idea to let people carry weapons while drinking in a dimly lit, noisy nightclub. You know that’s insane […]


When We Were Winners?

© Tom Tomorrow Here’s the survey that this comic references. And indeed, as you can plainly see from this graph showing America’s greatest year according to Trump supporters, the most popular year is 2000. Which ironically was the last full year of Bill Clinton’s presidency. Of course, the numbers are a bit more complex than […]


Make America Hate Again

© Ruben Bolling Can there be any doubt that the main appeal of Donald Trump is racism and bigotry? Of course, this is all Barack Obama’s fault. If he hadn’t gotten elected president (and he had the audacity to even be reelected), would there have been any need for Republicans to question his birth, his […]


Old Time Religion!

When are religious voters going to get tired of being jerked around by Republicans? Last week at a supposedly religious event in Washington titled the “Faith & Freedom Coalition’s Road to Majority” conference, social conservatives were told that Donald Trump is the only choice for evangelicals. Conference leader Ralph Reed cited Trump’s positions on abortion, […]


The Gun Problem

Australian comedian Jim Jefferies uses humor to point out why US gun laws are crazy. Being from Australia, which suffered the worst mass shooting in the world before they decided to pass strict gun laws to prevent future tragedies, gives him a good perspective on what the rest of the world must think of all […]
