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Category Archives: Irony

bizarre and ironic

Stalling Tactics

Last night, Donald Trump announced that his wife Melania will hold a press conference sometime “over the next couple of weeks” to address allegations that she violated US immigration laws by working illegally in the US. Who is willing to bet that no such news conference will actually happen, and that Trump is just trying […]


Getting the Government We Deserve

I don’t have enough time to summarize this excellent article from Five Thirty Eight, but you should go read it. Politicians and others like to complain that elections are rigged, but this article says that the real rigging of our elections is being done by the voters themselves. It is short and easy to read […]


Trump versus Trump

Believe it or not, Donald Trump sued people whose last name was actually “Trump” for using their own name. It turns out that there is a company founded by brothers Eddie and Jules Trump called “The Trump Group”. They do a lot of real estate development in places like Florida, but when they tried to […]


Trump Continues to Step In It

Trump, his surrogates, and his campaign continue to ram their collective feet further down their own throats. Of course, we are talking about Trump’s reaction to Khizr Khan’s speech at the Democratic National Convention. It looks like everyone is condemning Trump for attacking the family of a soldier who was killed in action. Not just […]


More Bad News for Trump

Today’s stories in Electoral Vote are chock full of bad news for Trump, most of it self inflicted: Trump seems to be doing everything he can to keep the feud between himself and the family of slain American soldier Humayun Khan alive, and keep it in the news. How bad is it? Trump friend and […]


Upside Down

© Joe Heller This explains why whenever Donald Trump opens his mouth, he upsets everything. Some people seem to think that Trump’s role as a wrecking ball is a good thing, that the US needs to be destroyed so it can be rebuilt. But can any of those people think of another country that is […]


Many Happy Returns?

© Jeff Danziger Somebody has to have hacked into Donald Trump’s tax returns by now. But I guess WikiLeaks is too busy leaking DNC emails showing that the Democrats weren’t nice to Sanders. Maybe potential evidence that Trump is a pawn of the Russians is less interesting to them. Meanwhile, Trump continues to be in […]


Release the Tax Returns

There are lies, and there are damn lies. In a TV interview with CBS, Trump’s campaign manager said “Mr. Trump has said that his taxes are under audit and he will not be releasing them. It has nothing to do with Russia, it has nothing to do with any country other than the United States, […]


DNC Demographics

Many pundits talk about the profound influence of demographics on US elections, but what about the demographics of the national conventions of the political parties. Other than an observation of the dance skills of RNC attendees, what do we know about the relative makeup of the conventions? Without further ado, here is Scott Bateman’s ironic […]



I’m really glad that the historic candidacy of Hillary Clinton is (finally) leading to some discussion about sexism in America. After all, many other countries have elected women leaders (over 70 women have become the leaders of their countries), but the US hasn’t ever nominated a woman even as the presidential candidate for a major […]


The ManTrumpian Candidate?

There’s an article going around by Josh Marshall titled “Trump & Putin. Yes, It’s Really a Thing“. People, including comedians, have made jokes about the seeming bromance between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. While it is scary enough that equal-opportunity-attacker Trump has nothing but good things to say about autocrat Putin, Marshall’s article points out […]


Political Parties

Does anyone really believe that it is the job of political parties to be fair? It is the job of the political party to elect as many candidates from their party as possible. Nothing more. Why is the media holding the Democratic party to a different standard than other parties? Where are the leaked emails […]


Tim Kaine

I must admit that I wasn’t paying too much attention to the VP selection contest, and so when Clinton announced Tim Kaine as her VP pick, I didn’t know much about him. I know that people say he’s boring, or that he is too moderate. So I took some time today to investigate. I might […]



Things you should read: Bernie Sanders live-tweeted during Trump’s acceptance speech at the RNC. A few samples: Those who voted for me will not support Trump who has made bigotry and divisiveness the cornerstone of his campaign. Trump’s big economic plans: Give trillions in tax breaks to millionaires, refuse to raise the federal minimum wage. […]


He’s Baaack!

Jon Stewart can’t help himself, and takes over Stephen Colbert’s desk at the Late Show for a delicious rant: God I miss him.
