Maybe I’m missing something. Yes, I know that there is a narrative that Hillary Clinton is dishonest and untrustworthy. There’s even the alt-right version where she is a criminal who should be locked up (for, among other things, assassinating 40 people). To me, it just seems like people are taking any story about her and […]
Saturday, August 27, 2016
We reported recently that Donald Trump had pretty much only appeared on Fox News after a disastrous interview on CNN after the conventions. Well, I guess Trump is reading this blog (hah!) because he actually (finally) gave an interview to CNN. It did not go well. In fact, it went really badly. Maybe he should […]
Thursday, August 25, 2016
© Matt Wuerker I get the feeling that given the attention generated by the primaries (and despite any burnout) that the presidential debates (assuming Donald Trump shows up for them) will be the most watched in history. This comic is pointing out the difficulty of preparing for a debate against Donald Trump, who has taken […]
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Frank Luntz gained fame as the conservative “public opinion guru” who created many of the GOP talking points though the use of “focus groups”. So it is extremely interesting that Luntz put together a focus group of Trump supporters in Pennsylvania — a state that Trump claims he will win unless Clinton somehow cheats — […]
Donald Trump used to appear on any TV program that would have him, garnering him billions in free publicity. But those days seem to be (mostly) over. In fact, Trump is now appearing only on Fox News. What happened? The last time Trump appeared on any network other than Fox News was July 31, when […]
Texas famously slashed funding for reproductive health clinics in the state by two thirds, which caused more than 80 clinics to shut down. This reduced health services to women by half across the state. Texas also defunded all Planned Parenthood clinics completely (regardless of whether they provided abortion services). The result? The number of women […]
An important question I have been pondering is why people insist on supporting Donald Trump, even though there is plenty of evidence that he not only lies, lies about things that are easily verified to be false, and even contradict himself. From a progressive perspective, how do we get people to “wake up” and realize […]
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Thursday, August 18, 2016
Electoral Vote has a bunch of must-read posts today. The first one offers a likely explanation of why Trump suddenly rearranged his campaign and put Stephen Bannon in charge — someone who has no experience running a political campaign. It is because Trump needs money (perhaps not for the campaign, but for himself) and his […]
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Tagged Trump
Thursday, August 18, 2016
FiveThirtyEight has a good article titled “Election Update: Why Clinton Doesn’t Have This Race Locked Up“. The point is the fact that Clinton has a lead now doesn’t mean that she will win the election. One of the reasons is if people get complacent and stop donating money to Clinton. After all, having the money […]
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
© Tom Tomorrow It would be a fantastic performance, except for the fact that he has a chance of becoming our next president. Even worse, that more than a third of all Americans have been fooled into taking him seriously and actually want him to be president. And unfortunately, with his talk of how the […]
“Don’t be the asshole, America” should be our new slogan.
A data scientist has analyzed the tweets coming from Donald Trump, and says that clearly many of the tweets are coming from someone other than Trump. Probably some staffer. People had already noticed that some of the tweets posted the the tweets were coming from two different phones: an Android phone by Samsung, and an […]
You know those people who get to stand behind the candidate at political rallies? So they can be seen while the candidate speaks? Last week seems to have been a big ironic example of the fact that the campaigns themselves don’t have much control over who gets to stand there. First, a local TV station […]
Donald Trump seems have lost it, and is being reduced to lunatic raving in order to get attention. On Thursday, he just kept repeating his accusations that Barack Obama is the founder of the Islamic State (despite the fact that the IS was founded in 1999, ten years before Obama became president, and even before […]
Thursday, August 11, 2016
Ann Kirkpatrick is running for the Senate against John McCain. She has released a devastating ad that directly links McCain to Donald Trump, while showing Trump saying nasty things about McCain. This is how Democrats can use Trump as a weapon against Republicans: I’m noticing that Republican politicians are slowly announcing that they are not […]