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Category Archives: Irony

bizarre and ironic

It Isn’t just about Elections

Bernie Sanders makes an excellent point. Politics isn’t just about who you elect. People have to be willing to fight for what they believe in all the time, not just once every four or eight years. One of the things that distresses me is that often liberals and progressives fight hard to win an election […]


Gerrymandering Explained

© Stephen Nass The Washington Post has a very concise and easy-to-understand explanation of gerrymandering. The article has additional information, but the image above makes most of the big points.


Trump’s Revenge!

Donald Trump is completely obsessed with revenge. How do we know that? Because he has talked about revenge and retribution repeatedly himself. In 2013 he tweeted “Always get even. When you are in business, you need to get even with people who screw you.’ – Think Big.” In 2014 he tweeted this quote: “‘Revenge is […]



Today on, the word of the day is “trumpery”. Yes, it is a real word, whose earliest document use is from 1481. But the best part is its meaning: Something showy but worthless. Nonsense or rubbish. Deceit; fraud; trickery. They even give some examples of usage: “The room was crowded with a chilly miscellany […]


Obama on Trump and the Republicans

This is a speech that Barack Obama recently gave at a Democratic dinner in Ohio. I set it up to start at 16:55, which is when it gets really good. It reminds me of why I like Obama so much. And he even gets a bit angry a few times and gets into it.


Losing to a Girl

The New Republic has an interesting theory about Donald Trump. Trump is losing to Hillary Clinton because he is so completely sexist that he is incapable of taking Clinton seriously. And their arguments are pretty good. In the primaries, his opponents were all men except for Carly Fiorina. Note that all of Trump’s insults against […]


Seen it All Before

© Dan Wasserman While Trump’s boasts of sexual assault are loathsome, it is ironic that his sexism brought him down more than his assaults on liberty and justice. What happens to the rule of law when a presidential candidate threatens to throw their opponent in jail? When he lies even about things that are easily […]


Learning from History?

I never would have believed it if someone told me back in 2008 that the Republicans would nominate someone for president who makes Dubya look reasonable in comparison. This country elected Dubya, and during his watch 9/11 happened. Then he started two disastrous wars from which we are still trying to recover (and deliberately lied […]


Laying Waste to the American Political System

Matt Taibi is one of my favorite investigative journalists, and his writing is always worth a read (even when I don’t entirely agree with him). His latest article in Rolling Stone “The Fury and Failure of Donald Trump” is a must read. The article is not so much about Trump as his followers, and the […]


The Locker Room Alibi

© Ruben Bolling That settles it — the next time I need to act like an asshole, I’m finding a locker room!


Pity, Trump

I don’t often agree with David Brooks, but I think he hit the nail on the head in his opinion piece “Donald Trump’s Sad, Lonely Life“. Here’s an excerpt: Politics is an effort to make human connection, but Trump seems incapable of that. He is essentially adviser-less, friendless. His campaign team is made up of […]


The Immigrants Have Won!

What have they won? Nobel Prizes! The Nobel Prizes were recently announced and there are six winners from the US. Every one of them is an immigrant. Many of them are now US citizens, but some are not. All of them live permanently in the US, work and do their research in the US, and […]


Hitting Bottom?

© Tom Toles As someone famously said, “At long last, have you left no sense of decency?” Although I think I know the answer. And I suspect that Trump has several more bottoms to crash through.


Make America Hated Again

The Brits need our help to make them look good again. You can do your part by not registering to vote, or just not voting. That way, America can regain its status as idiots. “C’mon America, be the bigger moron!” Indeed, Brexit passed because many Brits voted for it as a protest vote, assuming that […]


Trump’s Biggest Coalition

An interesting post in Electoral Vote points out that Donald Trump has built an unprecedented coalition — of people who can’t stand the thought of him becoming president. There’s Paul Ryan, of course, and John McCain, and a host of other high-ranking Republicans in Congress. Barack Obama has been anti-Trump from the outset, and is […]
