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Category Archives: Irony

bizarre and ironic

Make Irony Great Again!

Slate has an interesting article that asserts that more irony (at least in its original definition) may be exactly what we need to save us from people like Donald Trump. The (ironic) title of the article is “What Donald Trump Doesn’t Understand About Irony“. The article claims that irony defines what it means to be […]


FBI Blowback!

The biggest loser because of the letter announcing that the FBI is looking into Clinton’s emails seems to be the man who sent the letter, FBI Director James Comey. And the criticism is non-partisan. Richard Painter, the chief White House ethics lawyer under Dubya (and needless to say a Republican), has filed a complaint against […]


More Religious Hypocrisy

I recently reported about the utter hypocrisy of the religious right. Here’s another blatant example:


Bearer of Bad News

This blog has reported repeatedly on the Kansas Experiment. With the backing of the Koch brothers (whose headquarters is in Topeka), governor Sam Brownback, and a legislature so far right that after they got rid of most of the Democrats, they also got rid of most of the moderate Republicans, Kansas became a wet dream […]


Today’s Trump News

First up is that we finally have an example of that voter fraud that Trump keeps whining about. And of course the perpetrator voted twice for (who else) Donald Trump. What’s also interesting is that this case (and two others, also both trying to benefit Trump) were caught almost immediately (showing that actual voter fraud […]


False Equivalence

© Jen Sorensen Sorensen also has some commentary to go along with the comic: Ever since the first debate between Hillary and Trump, many have remarked on the “ugliness” of this election season. It sounds so nice and bipartisan to call them both clowns and loftily pronounce yourself to be above the fray, but this […]



I’m sure everyone heard the news that the FBI is once again looking into Hillary Clinton’s email problems. But the real question is, which news did you hear? As Wired points out, most of the reporting on this has been misleading at best. In one huge example, if you believed that the FBI was re-opening […]


The Meaning of Freedom?

Some people don’t seem to understand that freedom of speech applies to everyone, not just people they agree with. Two examples: In Colorado, a student-run high school newspaper decided to endorse Hillary Clinton for president. What happened next was shocking. Local Trump supporters exploded in anger, demanding that the paper give equal space to Donald […]


Lawyers to the Rescue

High-powered lawyers like Lawrence Tribe are stepping up. Tribe and others have offered to defend — for free — anyone who has been threatened with a lawsuit by Donald Trump. This includes the women who have accused Trump of sexually assaulting them (and Trump has said he would sue after the election), but also includes […]


The Other Shoe

Recently, John McCain suggested that Republicans would block anyone Hillary Clinton attempts to appoint to the Supreme Court. Almost immediately afterward, he tried to deny that’s what he had said. But I just knew that some Republican politician would take up McCain’s idea. You know, someone a bit crazier than McCain. So it was hardly […]


The Verdict?

A powerful political ad created by Joss Whedon for Save the Day:


How Democracy Dies

Retired Supreme Court justice David Souter, back in 2012, reminds us of the biggest danger to democracy. His words are prescient given our current election. This clip starts near the end of his talk, but the whole talk is very interesting.


Trump is Definitely Cracked

Mother Jones came across something that (at least to me) not-so-neatly sums up Donald Trump. The occasion was the 2009 death of Jett Travolta, the 16-year-old son of John Travolta and his wife Kelly Preston, who died of a seizure while on vacation with his parents. Trump decided to offer his condolences. His first mistake […]


Foreign Influence

Did you doubt for a moment that Donald Trump’s political campaign was being either influenced or even controlled by foreigners? The Telegraph (a conservative UK newspaper) sent undercover reporters to meet with Trump’s Super PAC, “Great America PAC”. The reporters posed as representatives of a (fictitious) Chinese donor, who wanted to donate $2 million to […]


Fact Checking Trump

A fascinating article written by the DC correspondent for a Canadian newspaper. On a lark, he spent a month counting how many lies were told by Donald Trump each day. His point was that while there was fact checking going on for individual statements made by Trump, the missing story was the sheer number of […]
