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Category Archives: Irony

bizarre and ironic

The Final Desperation of Trump?

In what we hope was a final act of desperation, Donald Trump pulled Sarah Palin out of mothballs and had her campaigning for him in swing states. She is also expected to join Trump in New York on election night. The more things change, the more they stay the same.


Trump Personality Disorder

One last shot at Donald Trump. Who can resist? Hopefully after today we won’t have to hear about him ever again. © Ruben Bolling



Actually, I hope everyone has already voted. And make sure your friends and family vote. Remember, even encourage those people whose politics don’t agree with yours to vote. Having strong turnout is always good for democracy.


Get your election results early!

Thanks to Tom Tomorrow, get tomorrow’s election results today! © Tom Tomorrow


Managing Trump

Reports are circulating that Donald Trump’s top campaign staffers have cut of his Twitter access until after the election. All I can say is it is about time. Can we cut it off permanently? I think Trump + Twitter = hate crime. Of course, Trump’s campaign has denied those reports, but I see no compelling […]


The Balkanization of Trump

At least 100 pro-Trump websites are being run from a single town in Macedonia (a little known country just north of Greece in an area called the Balkans, which is where the term Balkanization comes from). And these foreign websites are feeding false pro-Trump news to Trump supporters. How did this happen? It is all […]


Can Donald Trump Read?

Samantha Bee shows how easy it is to start a political rumor, even without any actual evidence.


Liberal Redneck Speaks to Trump Supporters

Using football analogies, of course! Rednecks of all political persuasions should know that the final employment report before the election just came out, and the unemployment rate has fallen to 4.9%. Meanwhile, two top aides of Chris Christie — who is heading Trump’s transition team — were just convicted of massive corruption in causing massive […]



The Atlantic has a short, concise summary of what is going on with the FBI. You should read it. Basically, anti-Clinton insiders at the FBI, with help from the Trump campaign — including Rudy Giuliani and Steve Bannon — leaked information saying that an investigation into the Clinton Foundation was likely to lead to an […]


Another Trump Bankruptcy

This week, yet another Trump branded and managed hotel went bankrupt. Just four years ago, Trump (and his family) cut the ribbon on the 65-story Trump International Hotel & Tower Toronto. Most of the financing for it came from a Russian-born billionaire. And now, a bunch of middle-class investors who bought condos in the tower […]


The Ex-Presidents

It is looking like every (living) ex-president is voting for Hillary Clinton. If you are keeping score, that’s three Democrats and two Republicans (both named Bush).


The Art of the Con

Newsweek investigated and found that Donald Trump destroyed hundreds of thousands of emails, digital records, and paper documents, including many that he was under court order to preserve. And then he lied about it. And of course, he did this to screw other people out of money. He did this over and over again. Their […]



The Democrats are starting to panic, while the Republicans are turning into sheeple and flip-flopping once again. Will it be enough to change the race? Only a few days left! Seth Meyers looks at the current state of the presidential race, with clarity and humor:



Two sources within the FBI, speaking off the record and anonymously, told Fox News that the investigation of the Clinton Foundation is likely to lead to an indictment. Considering that the FBI has no power to issue indictments (that is done by a Grand Jury), and that there is no evidence of wrongdoing with the […]


Disinformation as Art

The website pretends to be a conservative website, but its stories are all made up. In fact, the creator of this site Marco Chacon has elevated to a high art his goal of seeing how outrageous and unbelievable he can make a story, and still fool people. He has written up fake transcripts of […]
