Saturday, November 26, 2016
I am delighted that Jill Stein will force recounts to be done in several states that used voting machines that are known to be easily hacked. No, it is not because I think Hillary Clinton actually won the election. That is not the point. The point is that if we know that certain voting machines […]
Friday, November 25, 2016
A week ago I posted an article arguing that the easiest way to throw an election would be to spread disinformation over social networks. Well, we now have proof (independently verified by two parties) that this has already happened. Two teams of independent researchers found that the Russians exploited American-made technology platforms to attack U.S. […]
Thursday, November 24, 2016
Things might seem pretty dark for Democrats this Thanksgiving, but there are some silver linings. First, a little-mentioned court decision just happened that could have profound and far-reaching consequences. The reason it has not been mentioned much is that it is extremely wonky, but that doesn’t diminish its importance. Indeed, this decision has the potential […]
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
© Stuart Carlson I am becoming more and more convinced that micro-targeting of news (through AM talk radio, the internet, and especially social media) is largely to blame for the divorce of politics from reality (and consequently the election of Donald Trump). It also explains why Democrats were convinced that Hillary Clinton was about to […]
Monday, November 21, 2016
Donald Trump’s choice for Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, is not only a racist, but he is absolutely against the legalization of marijuana. And as Attorney General, he would have the unilateral power to make it illegal again, even in the states that have decriminalized it. How can this be? Because there are still harsh federal […]
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Tagged Drugs
Saturday, November 19, 2016
Donald Trump’s administration hasn’t even begun yet, but it is off to a bad start.
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Saturday, November 19, 2016
© Jen Sorensen I know I keep saying it, but the time to get our shit together is now. If there is going to be a silver lining from this election it will be because we (especially progressives) create it. We need to figure out our priorities and act on them. And we need some […]
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Friday, November 18, 2016
Donald Trump campaigned that as an outsider he would “drain the swamp” of Washington politics. But he has already appointed a rogues-list of lobbyists and Washington insiders to his administration, including lobbyists from the energy, agriculture, transportation, and banking industries. Trump’s own rules for transition team members requires them to pledge to “disqualify myself from […]
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Tagged Trump
Thursday, November 17, 2016
The head of the NSA (National Security Agency) just announced that a foreign nation-state (presumably Russia) consciously targeted presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, in order to affect the US election: There shouldn’t be any doubt in anybody’s minds, this was not something that was done casually, this was not something that was done by […]
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
After the election, I heard people saying that we should give Trump a chance (including from some people who commented in this blog). I have several answers to that. First, we already know quite a bit about Trump. That he will say anything and contradict himself moments later. That he is all about revenge. That […]
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Sunday, November 13, 2016
I spent the last week in Paris, mostly running around a bunch of museums, and some thoughts keep coming up. First of all, I keep being reminded of the fragility of democracy. I’m sure everyone here knows that Hitler came to power in Germany through democratic means. But there is another example. There was a […]
Saturday, November 12, 2016
No place is more upset about Trump becoming president than Silicon Valley, which has thrived under a state that is heavily Democratic. So after the upset election, a movement dubbed “Calexit” to get California to secede from the US has sprung up. It is not as crazy as it sounds. All by itself, California would […]
Friday, November 11, 2016
I’ve been thinking about what needs to be done. I think the first thing is to get our priorities straight. What are the biggest things we are worried about happening because Trump is president, and what do we need to do to prevent them? It is important that we be as specific as possible. For […]
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Thursday, November 10, 2016
Garrison Keillor says “Trump voters will not like what happens next“. Here are a few short quotes so you will go read the whole thing: The Trumpers never expected their guy to actually win the thing, and that’s their problem now. They wanted only to whoop and yell, boo at the H-word, wear profane T-shirts, […]
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Seriously? I guess it is a good thing I didn’t buy a return ticket to the US yet.
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