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Category Archives: Irony

bizarre and ironic

Believe Me!

If you watch Donald Trump give his speech to Congress tonight, just remember the words of Jon Stewart:


Can’t Take the Heat?

Donald Trump has tweeted that he will not attend the White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner. Trump has not fared very well at past events, becoming the butt of too many jokes for his ego to tolerate. The last time a president skipped this dinner was back in 1981, when Ronald Reagan didn’t show up because […]


Suicide Down

Two years ago, the Supreme Court struck down laws against same-sex marriage as unconstitutional. Before that ruling, 36 states (plus the District of Columbia and Guam) already issued marriage licenses to same-sex couples. This disparity allowed scientists to study the effects of the change, and the results showed an interesting benefit. Researchers at Johns Hopkins […]


No Drama Obama?

Holy Freedom Fries! France is currently in the middle of of their presidential election, and it is full of drama. The conservative front-runner was recently implicated in a corruption scandal, which has created openings both on the far right (nativist Marine Le Pen) and the left (radical centrist Emmanuel Macron). But voters are unhappy. And […]


Making Private Prisons Great Again

Private, for-profit prisons have failed. They cost taxpayers more than public prisons, are less safe for prisoners (the one private prison in Idaho has 4 times the number of prisoner-on-prisoner assaults than the seven public prisons in the state combined), have had repeated scandals (including one where judges were bribed by the prisons in exchange […]


Nobody Knows

Nobody knows the reason Trump needs to lie and say stupid things so much.



I have not been comfortable in the role of making fun of everything Trump does. After all, one of the main things I’ve been complaining about is the Republican Party being the “party of no” — opposing pretty much everything Obama ever did or said. So it is with great relief that I have TWO […]


The Best People?

During the presidential campaign, Donald Trump answered questions about his lack of experience by claiming that he would hire the best people to run his administration. But apparently, that was just another lie. We are just one month into his administration, and already he has lost a White House Communications Director, National Security Advisor, Secretary […]


Trump’s Bizarre Press Conference

I’m sure most people have heard about Trump’s first solo press conference on Thursday, but Seth Meyers has a good take on it: At what point does it become too painful for Trump supporters to hear what keeps coming out of his mouth. Or have they already stopped listening?


The Biggest Violators of Immigration Laws

© Ruben Bolling Well, at least we dumped Andy Puzder as Secretary of Labor. Even Republicans thought he was a very bad idea.


Will Trump Follow Flynn?

What’s worse? That Flynn discussed sanctions with the Russians and lied about it, or that Trump is now lying about what he knew about it? What I don’t understand is how incompetent do these people have to be? Flynn was freakin’ National Security Advisor, and before that was the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency […]


Trump vs Truth

If you have ever wondered how people can support Donald Trump, when he lies constantly, then you have to watch this video from John Oliver: The problem is a combination of a propaganda-like appeal to emotions, reinforced by a fake news industry. Note that this kind of non-rational belief is not confined to conservatives. For […]


Dan Rather on the Latest Trump Scandal

[Posted to Facebook by Dan Rather] Watergate is the biggest political scandal of my lifetime, until maybe now. It was the closest we came to a debilitating Constitutional crisis, until maybe now. On a 10 scale of armageddon for our form of government, I would put Watergate at a 9. This Russia scandal is currently […]


Make Spelling To Great Again

The official Donald Trump inauguration poster, produced by the Library of Congress, has a spelling error in it: My only question is, did they do it on purpose? If not, did the Trump administration get rid of the regulation about proper spelling, or fire the bureaucrat in charge of it?


Undoing Pence

Unlike his boss, Vice President Mike Pence is an experienced politician. In fact, before becoming VP, Pence was the governor of Indiana. So we should be able to get some idea of what kind of president Pence might be, if (for some reason) Donald Trump stops being the president. Which is why this report from […]
