© Jen Sorensen The whole meme started by Reagan that government is the problem keeps getting used for all kinds of excuses. Cutting taxes for the rich, getting rid of those pesky regulations that keep our air and water clean, privatizing prisons, you name it. The funny thing is that every time they do that, […]
The New Yorker has a must-read article about health care. If you can, go read it now. Their point is that conseratives are treating health care as if it is just another business. A way to make a profit. But health care is not about economics, in fact, it is actually anything but. Health care […]
I’m not a huge fan of Bill Maher, but this one is actually pretty funny. Will Trump voters realize that they have been conned? And speaking of being conned, consider the case of the Beristains. Roberto Beristain is a respected businessman who owns a popular restaurant, creates jobs, is a well-loved citizen of his town […]
Stephen Colbert is angry because Donald Trump is distracting him from the real news out there. Listen and weep (with tears of laughter):
I have to hand it to Donald Trump, he has put together a reality show as president that is as hard to look away from as a train wreck. Wednesday, Time magazine published an almost verbatim short interview with Trump. The topic is about lying and Trump’s credibility (or, lack thereof). Trump agreeing to this […]
© Ruben Bolling Humans are really bad at evaluating risks. We are scared to death of terrorists, but not of the things that are far more likely to kill us. Just Wednesday, Donald Trump announced that he is rolling back fuel economy standards that were put in place under Obama. And he has not ruled […]
Political Wire has put together a 118-page complete list of all the connections between Donald Trump and Russia. Included with every item is a link to the original news story. The list goes back thirty years, but the vast majority of the items are from after June, 2016 (which is when Christopher Steele’s report was […]
A few days ago, Anthem (the second largest US health insurance company) came out in favor of the Republican bill repealing major parts of the ACA. This surprised me, because both of the major trade associations representing health insurance companies came out strongly against that bill, and yet here was a major insurer singing its […]
In the TV show “Gunsmoke” the bad guys were often ordered to “get the hell out of Dodge” — a reference to Dodge City, Kansas. Well, it looks like somebody has told that to Kansas Governor Sam Brownback. The word is out that Brownback is not only leaving the state, but leaving the country as […]
© Kevin Kallaugher On Tuesday, a man named Charles C.W. Cooke tweeted “I’ve yet to read a single positive analysis of the House’s Obamacare bill.” A woman responded by chastising him for being so liberal, tweeting “Try going 2 a conservative source? Open up your reading habits 2 include those w/ whom u would naturally […]
The look on Paul Ryan’s face at the end of this video is priceless. It also looks like Sarah Huckabee Sanders is trying to compete with Kellyanne Conway in the creative language department. And by “creative language” I mean “lying artfully”.
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Tagged Trump
© Tom Tomorrow Here’s a good theory about what is going on: It is evident that Trump has poor control of his emotions. This makes some sense; he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, and has had a life full of wives, business partners, employees, television co-stars, and the like kowtowing to […]
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Tagged Trump
Donald Trump was so insistent that the crowds at his inauguration were the largest since Reagan (when they were almost certainly the smallest since Reagan) that he ordered the National Park Service to produce the photos that they had taken of the inauguration. Apparently, Trump actually believed that the images would prove the media lied […]
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Tagged Trump
On Tuesday night, Donald Trump gave a speech where he succeeded in reading from a teleprompter and didn’t lie as much as he usually does. The media fawned all over it, declaring that Trump had finally pivoted into acting “presidential”. Except that early Saturday morning, less than four days later, Trump had another twitter tantrum, […]
Amazingly, Donald Trump just made it through an entire day without lying: Donald Trump has been president for 41 days, and he finally put up a goose egg: no factual errors or misleading statements for a full day, midnight to midnight, according to The Washington Post’s great Fact Checkers, Glenn Kessler and Michelle Ye Hee […]