Tuesday, October 30, 2018
In April 2016, Donald Trump was interviewed by Bob Woodward and Bob Costa. They asked candidate Trump if he needed to tame the rage in the Republican Party. Trump replied: Yes, yes, but I bring that out in people. I do. I’m not saying that’s an asset or a liability, but I do bring that […]
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Tagged Hate
Thursday, October 25, 2018
Actually, this comic brings up something I’ve always thought about. The Dark Ages happened after both the Greek and Roman civilizations. This is strong evidence that things like democracy, freedom, and the arts should not be taken for granted. They can — indeed they have — gone away, replaced by feudalism and serfdom. I have […]
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
A new survey conducted by YouGov and The Economist teases out something that we have long suspected. Trump voters say that men are discriminated against more than gays, women, and ethnic minorities. According to the result, the percentage of Trump voters who believe that the following groups face “a great deal” or “a fair amount” […]
Hurricane Michael left death and destruction across the SouthEast, but Donald Trump said it was ok for him to go ahead and hold a political rally, because: We had it under great control. Because FEMA and everything else. We had White House, we had on the plane, on Air Force One. I was totally monitoring. […]
Thursday, October 11, 2018
Yes, the Republicans did manage to get an accused attempted rapist confirmed to the Supreme Court, but that seems to be the only good news for them. Yesterday, the Dow Jones average dropped 832 points. This has Wall Street rattled, and further drops are expected. On top of that, stock in Ford Motor Co. is […]
Wednesday, October 3, 2018
Benjamin Wittes (the editor in chief of Lawfare and senior fellow at the Brookings Institution) published an excellent article in The Atlantic titled “I Know Brett Kavanaugh, but I Wouldn’t Confirm Him“. I agree with everything Wittes says. He gives more than one strong reason why Kavanaugh should not be confirmed. He does this without […]
If you don’t understand why the #metoo movement is so angry, I suggest you read this short article titled “Everything I can remember“. As a man, I can only guess what this must be like. I try to relate it to the times I have felt threatened or in danger from others and how that […]
John Oliver asks all the right questions. For example, why are the Republicans so desperate to put Judge Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court? Couldn’t they find someone who is a little less of an asshole? The interesting thing to me when I watch video of Kavanaugh is that he seems to be acting. I don’t […]
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
Now that Donald Trump’s new tariffs against China are in effect, the question is what will this do to prices in the US. Here’s an article that lists what will probably increase in price the most: TVs Homes and home renovations Washing machines Solar panels Cars Beer Cosmetics Electronics Clothing People have been complaining that […]
Also filed in
Tagged Taxes
Sunday, September 23, 2018
Sometimes, not always, but sometimes I think Donald Trump wants to lose his majority in Congress at the midterms. I know this sounds crazy, but what isn’t crazy now? Look at it this way. Trump loves to complain about how unfair things are to him. With him as president and having majorities in both houses […]
Sunday, September 16, 2018
The Republicans have never tried to hide the fact that they are doing everything they can to sabotage the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). Their hysterical campaign has included a barrage of frivolous lawsuits, purposely driving insurance firms out of markets, withholding reimbursements that were promised by the law, and rendering the individual mandate toothless. And […]
Thursday, September 13, 2018
Hurricane Florence is bearing down on the eastern coast of the US. According to the National Weather Service, “This will likely be the storm of a lifetime for portions of the Carolina coast, and that’s saying a lot given the impacts we’ve seen from Hurricanes Diana, Hugo, Fran, Bonnie, Floyd, and Matthew. I can’t emphasize […]
Wednesday, September 12, 2018
There is some great video of Trump in this. Watch while Trump — at a fundraiser in Fargo ND — waves some papers in the air. He brags “It’s four pages of things that the Trump administration has accomplished in a short period of time.” He obviously hasn’t even read them because he later changes […]
Tuesday, September 11, 2018
The Trump administration is not fighting a war against climate change, it is collaborating with the enemy. And it is doing it in the sneakiest way possible. In July, the EPA made it easier to release carbon dioxide pollution from vehicle tailpipes. Then in August, made it easier for coal-fired power plants to release carbon […]
Tuesday, September 11, 2018
Stephen Colbert asks Bob Woodward a question (in detail) that lots of us have been curious about, which is “How in the world does Bob Woodward get people to spill their guts to him?” Continued: