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Category Archives: Irony

bizarre and ironic

How the hell?

I recently posted an article about Jeffrey Epstein, pedophile and sex trafficker to the rich and powerful. And now I read that he committed suicide while in solitary confinement. How utterly convenient. There is an article in The Hill asking the obvious questions — how did someone on suicide watch in solitary confinement commit suicide, […]


Trickle Down, but Worse!

On Monday, 21 Republican senators, led by Ted Cruz, sent a letter to the Trump administration, proposing that Trump issue an executive order to give another huge tax cut to the wealthy. You might have noticed that Trump and the Republicans don’t talk much about the last tax cut that they gave to the wealthy, […]


Hater in Chief

A new study shows that hate crimes more than doubled in US counties where Donald Trump held a campaign rally, compared to similar counties that did not host a rally. In general, hate crimes increased 17% in 2017, year over year. While it is true that correlation does not necessarily imply causality, a considerable number […]


Robert E. Lee

Yes, the renaming of schools to other people named Lee in order to save money is a real thing. In addition to Congresswoman Barbara Lee, Bruce Lee, Spike Lee, and Gypsy Rose Lee, how about Stan Lee? I also like the school in Texas who changed the word LEE into an acronym for the Legacy […]


Immigrants and Jobs

It is clear that Donald Trump and the Republican Party hate immigrants, not just illegal immigrants, but legal ones too. But as a new study points out, this is highly ironic. Even though Republicans are also the party of big business, 45% of US Fortune 500 companies were founded by immigrants or their children. Fortune […]



I’ve been on an extended trip recently, and returned home just a couple of days ago to find an interesting story, the sex trafficking case of Jeffrey Epstein. Initially I didn’t pay significant attention to it, as it didn’t seem all that related to politics (ironic or otherwise). But now that I have time to […]


The Road to Impeachment?

By now, pretty much everyone knows that the Democrats are trying to decide whether or not to impeach Donald Trump. However, impeachment is only half the game, and while Democrats control the House and can impeach Trump anytime they want, it is up to the Republican controlled Senate to convict him and then remove him […]


In a Functional Country, We Would Be on the Road to Impeachment

This is the title of an opinion piece in the NY Times. It is a good, thoughtful rant, and I don’t disagree with much in it. Note that it doesn’t say that we should impeach Donald Trump, just that if our country weren’t so screwed up and dysfunctional, we would be impeaching him. Our country […]


Losing a loved one to Fox News

A fairly short but fascinating article in New York Magazine, “What I’ve Learned From Collecting Stories of People Whose Loved Ones Were Transformed by Fox News“. Unlike Fox News, the article is actually somewhat “Fair and Balanced”, not just blaming Fox News, but also MSNBC and how some people have a similar transformation from that. […]


Alex Jones admits he is Psycho

And then proves it. Alex Jones of Infowars is being sued by several parents of the victims of the Sandy Hook massacre for spreading conspiracy theories claiming that the massacre was staged using actors. He also claimed that the children who died “never existed”. In a deposition posted to YouTube, Jones defends himself by claiming […]



I wonder why people keep falling for the old repetition trick. You know, where someone repeats a falsehood often enough that people think it is true.


It goes on and on…

Are people really surprised that rich people have managed to tilt the playing field? And yes, Trump really did grope a flag during his speech at CPAC. Or as Stephen Colbert joked, “First time a flag’s ever volunteered to be burned.”



One of the ultimate ironies of our current politics is that Republicans — who claim to want to “make America great again” — have decided to paint the Democrats as evil “socialists” who will ruin our country. And yet, the proposed policies from even the most far left candidates for president were actual real things […]


He’s just not worth it

Nancy Pelosi was asked by the Washington Post how she felt about impeaching Donald Trump: I’m not for impeachment. This is news. I’m going to give you some news right now because I haven’t said this to any press person before. But since you asked, and I’ve been thinking about this: Impeachment is so divisive […]


It has finally come to this

Republicans are attempting to discredit Michael Cohen as a liar, even though he lied to Congress because Donald Trump told him to. Trump himself called Cohen a “bad lawyer and fraudster”, even though Cohen worked for Trump as his personal lawyer (and fixer) for more than a decade. For Trump, the buck never stops anywhere […]
