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Category Archives: Irony

bizarre and ironic

Out of excuses

The noose is slowly tightening around Donald Trump. Government employees are ignoring his orders to disobey congressional subpoenas, which is Trump’s own fault since he has shown that being loyal to him doesn’t make you any less likely to be thrown under a bus (or two). And you’ll notice that Republicans no longer dispute any […]


This is how you trump Trump

On Wednesday, Donald Trump called the top Democrats to the White House, supposedly to talk about Syria and Turkey. But just before the meeting, the House voted to rebuke Donald Trump about his decision to withdraw all US troops from Syria and allow Turkey to invade. In a surprising display of anger against the leader […]


Five Reporters!

This has been a very significant week in the “war on Trump” (hey, I can get away with saying “war on Trump” since Donald Trump accused a completely constitutional impeachment inquiry of being a “coup”). So many important things happened this week, you may have been a bit overwhelmed and become insensitive to their significance. […]


George Will wants Trump Impeached

Or at the very least, defeated in the next election. And if the GOP senators don’t stand up to Trump, they should be replaced in the next election as well. Here’s the opinion piece in the Washington Post. It also has a video of him talking about this, that goes a bit further than the […]


This is what “spine” looks like

Will Wilkinson has written a devastatingly fantastic opinion piece in the New York Times titled “Trump Has Disqualified Himself From Running in 2020“. It is short, to the point, and incredibly well written. I’m going to quote the first few paragraphs, but it gets even better after that. Go read it! “I think the American […]


The Narcissist King

Louis XIV of France supposedly said “L’État, c’est moi” (“The state, it is I” or “I am the state”). That is likely apocryphal, but it certainly seems to be the motivating sentiment of Donald Trump. Or as the Washington Post put it: As Trump tells it, he is a hard-working and honorable president whose conduct […]


Impeachment on the Table

First of all, if you want (or need) a good summary of the current state of the Trump-Ukraine situation, Electoral Vote has a good one today that can bring you up to speed. Of course, things are moving quickly so that article is already out of date. In particular, Nancy Pelosi is about to announce […]


Convict the Don

Clearly, Trump is now looking for kompromat to discredit his opponent Biden, to take revenge for his friend Paul Manafort, who is serving seven years in prison. We do not investigate Biden in Ukraine, since we have not received a single official request to do so. — Anton Geraschenko, the Ukrainian government official who would oversee such […]


Vote for the Guy!

I’m really happy to see “E. Warren” moving up in the polls. Even though she might not be my first choice (I’m not sure, I haven’t decided yet) I would really love to see a woman president in my lifetime. Heck, if that doesn’t happen, I’d even like to see a woman vice president (as […]


9/11 GOP NC

On Tuesday, North Carolina held a special Congressional election. They had to do this because actual election fraud on the part of Republicans caused state officials to nullify the previous regular election. The Republican party pulled out all the stops, spending lots of money and having both Donald Trump and Mike Pence campaign for the […]


Lunacy of the Week

I have been watching with mixed laughter and horror at Donald Trump trying to convince everyone that he was not mistaken when he claimed that Hurricane Dorian was going to hit Alabama. This got started on Sunday morning when Trump tweeted: In addition to Florida — South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama, will most […]


Universal Health Care

Sometimes I think we fail to realize how absolutely insane our health care system truly is. This comic by Sarah Mirk imagines what it would be like if all public services in the US worked like our healthcare system. I am perfectly happy to not insist on “Medicare for All” immediately, as long as we […]


Why Don’t Jews Vote for Trump?

Donald Trump recently claimed that Jews who vote for Democrats have “a total lack of knowledge” or “great disloyalty” to Jewish people and Israel. An opinion piece by David Schanzer in The Hill has a good response to this. First he points out that most minorities, including Jews, don’t like being treated as if they […]


Who Dunnit?

The Medical Examiner has officially declared the death of Jeffrey Epstein a suicide by hanging. I can actually believe that. No really. After all, someone wouldn’t actually have to snuff him themselves. All they would have needed to do is talk to him, and point out that he was about to spend the rest of […]


Fool me again, shame on me

New York magazine just published an interesting article titled “Trump’s State-by-State Approval Ratings Should Scare the MAGA Out of Him“. The article points out that current polls show that Donald Trump’s job-approval ratings are negative in ten states that he won in 2016, by 9 to 12 points. The article then makes what appears to […]
