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Category Archives: Irony

bizarre and ironic

Supreme Leader?



Axios sums up the magnitude of this year’s election: Billionaire Michael Bloomberg is duking it out with Billionaire Donald Trump, often on Billionaire Jack Dorsey’s Twitter and in ads on Billionaire Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook, all chronicled in Billionaire Jeff Bezos’ Washington Post.  And it isn’t just Democrats: 60% of Republicans say they rely on Billionaire Rupert […]


The Day Democracy Died

This is actually pretty good. I love the animations.


The bigger catastrophe?

Ahead of today’s primary election in New Hampshire, UMass Lowell polled Democratic voters in NH and asked them the following question: Which of the following outcomes would you prefer occur on November 3, 2020?– Donald Trump wins re-election– A giant meteor strikes the earth, extinguishing all human life You can see the question on page […]


The Cult of Trump

I reminded folks that I’m a conservative, but I said conservative policies aren’t good enough. Decency, honesty and compassion matter, too. But they wanted nothing to do with it. There was more booing, more yelling, and I caught a middle finger or two. I’m a big boy, and I can take a tough crowd, but […]


Post Impeachment

“I want to say again how profoundly sorry I am for what I said and did… and for the great burden they have imposed.”— Bill Clinton, February 1999. “It was all bullshit.”“It was evil, it was corrupt, it was dirty cops, it was leakers, it was liars.”— Donald Trump, February 2020.



Regardless to anything I might have said about Mitt Romney in the past, today I want to say “Thank you”. Romney did something that I can’t imagine will benefit him personally in any way, but it was the right thing to do. That takes guts. Read why in The Atlantic. An anonymous quote, attributed to […]


Buying Votes

Why does nothing shock or surprise me anymore? I mean, this is something I would expect in some corrupt third-world country run by a warlord, but here we are: Allies of Donald Trump have begun holding events in black communities where organizers lavish praise on the president as they hand out tens of thousands of […]


Stop the Truth!

[A brilliantly sarcastic column by Rex Huppke in the Chicago Trubune.] Republican senators must acquit Trump in impeachment trial before any more truth leaks out As a staunch supporter of President Donald Trump, I demand that Republican senators in charge of the upcoming impeachment trial swiftly acquit the commander in chief before any more truth […]


The Cost of Our Health

A study published this week provides hard facts about the truly bad deal the US is getting for health care. Simply put, the US for-profit health system costs four times as much than Canada’s single-payer system. Even though the two systems provide roughly equivalent results. Why? Because of a veritable army of administrative workers who […]


Dirty Job?

Senator Johnny Isakson (R-GA) is retiring at the end of December, but there is just one problem. He is currently the chairman of the Senate Ethics Committee, and no other senator wants the job. I mean, can you imagine being in charge of enforcing standards of behavior for senators and their staffs, investigating violations of […]


Fascist Facebook

As usual, Jen Sorensen backs up her comics with facts: Facebook recently sponsored a Federalist Society event at which Brett Kavanaugh was the keynote speaker, despite objections from its own employees and public protests. The speech was understood by many to be an attempt to rehabilitate Kavanaugh’s image in the wake of credible sexual assault allegations. This […]


High Crimes

The Republicans claim Donald Trump did nothing wrong because both he (the accused) and Volodymyr Zelensky (the person being extorted, so essentially had a gun pointed at his head) said there was no pressure to investigate Joe Biden. But as multiple witnesses (yes, including several first hand witnesses) have testified under oath, there was plenty […]


No Gift

It seems like the Republicans were indeed blowing smoke when they claimed they had internal polls showing that impeachment was increasing Donald Trump’s popularity. Because the only polls that actually matter are the ones that happen on an election day, like the one yesterday. On Monday, the day before the election, Trump held a rally […]


Going Down

Do not underestimate the power of propaganda promulgated by right-wing “news” sources. As Sorensen says in her commentary to this comic, “The fact that Facebook is bending the knee and promoting Breitbart as a legitimate news source should send chills down everyone’s spine.” Facebook has also decided that they will run any ad from a […]
