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Category Archives: Irony

bizarre and ironic

The Future?

Like many people, I’m curious what the future will look like after we spend a few years fighting the novel coronavirus into some kind of submission. Andy Slavitt, who was the Medicare, Medicaid, and ACA head for president Obama, talked to three scientists and came away with the conclusion “There is a Light at the […]


Tulsa: super-spreader event

Two weeks after Donald Trump held an in-person rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, COVID-19 cases are surging in that city. Since the rally, the number of new cases has more than tripled, setting new records highs. This, despite the fact that the rally fizzled, attended by less than a third of the capacity of the venue. […]


You Know Their Names

Another day, another killer ad from the Lincoln Project. This one goes after the GOP senators who were too chickenshit to say no to Donald Trump, and instead repeatedly kissed his rear and enabled the destruction of our country.


Trading Paychecks for Death?

Donald Trump says that the cure must not be worse than the disease, and is trying very hard to jump-start the US economy by eliminating public health interventions, including reopening most retail businesses, eliminating quarantines, and (strangely enough) discouraging the wearing of masks. Now they are even trying to force schools to reopen in the […]


Dysfunctional Trumps

The NY Times got an early copy of the book by Mary Trump, Donald Trump’s only niece, titled “Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man”. They just published an article about it. The book answers a question that I’ve wondered about Donald Trump: how did he get into […]


Need Some Good News?

I could sure use some good news. And lucky for us, there is some! The news today is completely dominated by the COVID-19 pandemic, Black Lives Matter, and the upcoming election. But there are other important stories, and in one of them — global warming and climate change — we have very good news. You […]


What To The Slave Is The Fourth Of July?

On this day, the day after the US Independence Day, it is good to listen to words that were spoken by the great Frederick Douglass on July 5, 1852, less than a decade before the start of the Civil War. In this video from NPR, excerpts of his speech are read by 5 of his […]


Worst Case Scenario

Newsweek published an article Friday titled “How Trump could Lose the Election — And Still Remain President“. It is an opinion piece, but was written by two fairly high-powered people (a former US senator, and the person who founded CNBC and MSNBC, the former CEO of TiVo, and is an editor-at-large for Newsweek, among other […]


Why Wear a Mask?

Why do some people refuse to wear masks? A few people actually cannot wear a mask, for various reasons. I read a post from a person who said they could not wear a mask, and they would get nasty looks and shaming the few times that they dared to venture out. If you cannot wear […]


A Story about Joe

This is a true story about Joe Biden (who is devout Catholic), told by Rabbi Michael Beals of Delaware: It was about 16 years ago, and I was a young rabbi, brand-new to Delaware, on my way to lead a shiva minyan — a worship service following a death of a Jewish person. I was […]


Jon Stewart on Biden

I’m really glad to see Jon Stewart put into words something that I’ve always felt about Joe Biden, but didn’t know how to express.


We Have a Cure!

A safe, effective, inexpensive solution to end the coronavirus pandemic. What could go wrong? I guess I’m just lucky. I live in a state where masks are required to be worn in public. Even better, I live in a county where people are conscientious and typically wear their masks. When I go hiking in one […]


This says it all

I am getting really fed up with people who think it is their personal civil right to not wear a mask during a pandemic. Start issuing them citations with a fine of $200 (or more!). That might get their attention. And it will probably save all of us money if it keeps people out of […]



Donald Trump’s rally in Tulsa was a complete disaster, but that didn’t stop him from having another rally yesterday in Phoenix AZ. This wasn’t actually a rally, as it was not organized by the Trump campaign, which probably gave it a better chance of success. Plus it was held in a church with a much […]


The Underlying Problem

The police are a reflection of a society. They’re not a rogue alien organization that came down to torment the black community. They’re enforcing segregation. Segregation is legally over, but it never ended. The police are, in some respects, a border patrol, and they patrol the border between the two Americas. We have that so […]
