Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Congresswoman Barbara Jordan‘s speech at the 1976 Democratic National Convention. She was the first Black and the first woman to deliver a keynote address. Coincidentally, she was my Congresswoman; I first saw her when she gave a talk at my high school. If she had not been stricken by debilitating illnesses, perhaps she would have […]
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On Sunday, the Washington Post published an op-ed from retired navy admiral William McRaven titled “Trump is actively working to undermine the Postal Service — and every major U.S. institution“. It starts with a classic (and funny) bit of irony: In the 1997 film “The Postman,” set in post-apocalyptic America, Kevin Costner plays a drifter […]
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A new ad from the Republican Voters Against Trump features the former Chief of Staff for Donald Trump’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS). He published an even more damning article in the Washington Post today. He says that Trump turned DHS “into a tool used for his political benefit.” In particular there was “a near-total […]
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Saturday, August 15, 2020
I assume that only people who have been avoiding the news don’t know that the Republicans are trying to throw the election by screwing with the US Postal Service. Trump has literally admitted it. Ironically, there are some good arguments that this blatant use of the federal bureaucracy for political gain will backfire on the […]
What do Trump’s own staff say about him? And there are plenty more where those came from:
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Thursday, August 13, 2020
The Atlantic has an interesting (and somewhat depressing) article pointing out that it is likely that COVID-19 will be with us for a long time, or even indefinitely. That would make it similar to the flu, which comes back pretty much every year, and we are able to deal with it. The title is “The […]
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Yes, it is possible, and not even all that hard to defeat the coronavirus. New Zealand did it — they just celebrated 100 days (more than three months) without anyone inside NZ catching COVID-19. And all domestic restrictions were lifted… in June. No more social distancing, no more masks, the economy is fine, schools are […]
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Today, Donald Trump signed several executive orders to provide economic relief for the coronavirus pandemic. Let’s ignore the fact that the constitution says that only Congress (and in particular the House) can allocate funds. Instead, Trump is going to redirect money from FEMA’s Disaster Relief Fund (DRF). Meanwhile, here’s a headline from Fox News: “Most […]
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Heather Cox Richardson had a great article yesterday about blatant corruption in the Trump administration. But what I found interesting was that she started the article with this sentence: Trump dominated the news today, which is usually a sign of negative news stories and his need to create distractions from them. Indeed, Trump had said […]
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Ammon Bundy, the anti-government activist who led the takeover of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in 2016, declared that he supports the Black Lives Matter movement. He also expressed support for “defunding the police because yes the police need to be defunded.” You must have a problem in your mind if you think that somehow […]
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What a fantastic summary of what is going on in our country. This must have been made a few days ago, because they left off the part about Trump and the Republicans massively screwing around with the Post Office so your ballots sent by mail will arrive too late to be counted (if you even […]
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This is a new kind of ad from The Lincoln Project. It is 6 minutes long, so it likely won’t be shown on TV. And it uses actors, rather than the usual politicians saying and doing things. But it has an incredibly strong message, which is that Donald Trump has been able to normalized behavior […]
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Last night was the first night that the federal agents sent to Portland by Donald Trump were removed from the job. Instead, the governor of Oregon had state police guard federal property, with orders to de-escalate tensions. And it worked! My favorite headline is “Portland sees peaceful night of protests following withdrawal of federal agents”. […]
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If this doesn’t convince you, then may you catch fire and burn.
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On April 23, Joe Biden said: Mark my words, I think he is gonna try to kick back the election somehow, come up with some rationale why it can’t be held. The Trump campaign immediately responded: Those are the incoherent, conspiracy theory ramblings of a lost candidate who is out of touch with reality. Today, […]
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