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Category Archives: Irony

bizarre and ironic


Last week, former DHS officials Miles Taylor and Elizabeth Neumann formed the REpublican Political Alliance for Integrity and Reform (REPAIR), consisting of current and former Trump officials who oppose his reelection. We already knew that Biden leads Trump in the key demographic of people who used to work for Trump, but it is interesting that […]


Three Tweets

“Biden leads Trump among women, people of color, and former members of the Trump administration.” @WindsorMann “Trump campaign strategy now clear: he’s running against the election itself.” @sbg1 “Is it just me, or did Nixon do a hell of a lot less than Trump at this point?” @chipfranklin


The Trump IQ Test

[I can’t resist reprinting today’s entire post from Helen Philpot, she of the wonderful blog “Margaret and Helen“. It is epic. Enjoy! –iron] This old lady took the Trump IQ Test and she is smarter than the President. You can take the test here. Margaret, there is a new test out to determine if you are […]


Anti-Social Media

I believe that social media has become the most powerful and potent purveyor of propaganda in existence. A memo written by a now-former data scientist at Facebook is full of multiple concrete examples of the company being aware of it being used to spread propaganda, but doing nothing about it. In fact, Facebook and other […]


Weather or Not

Heatwaves, out of control fires, strong hurricanes, shrinking ice sheets, sea level rise — these are all dangerous effects of global climate change. So how does the Trump administration respond? By appointing climate science denier David Legates to a top post at NOAA, which runs the National Weather Service. The head of NOAA under Barack […]


Why people cling to Trump

I know this article is a week old, but there were just too many things going on that pushed this down in my stack. But you really should read this article in The Atlantic titled “Why Trump Supporters Can’t Admit Who He Really Is“. When I’m talking to various liberal people, a common refrain is […]


Tough being a Republican

Although equally tough to feel sorry for this pitiful senator.


Bernstein on Woodward

The team that blew open Watergate, Carl Bernstein talks about Bob Woodward’s new book about Donald Trump, Rage. Woodward interviewed Trump 18 times and has recordings of Trump.


Everyone Knows

The Atlantic, which published the article about how Donald Trump calls soldiers in the military “losers” and “suckers”, has published a follow-up article by David Frum titled “Everyone Knows It’s True“. Frum points out that everyone who is claiming the original article is false is deeply beholden to Trump. While everyone who has actual knowledge […]


Could Things Get Worse?

In fact, today the Trump administration did something that even flabbergasted me. The first two paragraphs say it all: The Justice Department on Tuesday intervened in the defamation lawsuit brought by a woman who says President Trump raped her years ago, moving the matter to federal court and signaling it wants to make the U.S. […]


Will Democracy Survive?

Here are a series of articles about how Donald Trump, Republicans, and right-wing media are trying to destroy our democracy. First is tonight’s article by Heather Cox Richardson. She goes through a list of the things that democracy depends on, and then gives examples of how they are being attacked and even destroyed: The rule […]


Sullying Trump

Capt. Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger III took to Twitter to condemn Donald Trump for his insults against American soldiers. Sully is the famous pilot who miraculously landed a failing airliner in the Hudson River in 2009, saving all on board. Here are his nine tweets, in order: I am a veteran. I volunteered for military service […]


Taibbi on Trump

I love the writing of Matt Taibbi, even if I don’t always agree with him. He has published a very interesting article on Substack, titled “The Trump Era Sucks and Needs to Be Over” (subtitled “The race is tightening. Is America sure it’s ready to give up its addiction to crazy?”). Note that new polls […]


Causing Anarchy?

Do you seriously wonder, Mr. President, why this is the first time in decades that America has seen this level of violence? It’s you who have created the hate and division. — Ted Wheeler, the mayor of Portland, OR, quoted in The Atlantic. This president long ago forfeited any moral leadership in this country. He […]


The Future is Coming

Heather Cox Richard has the best article about the RNC I’ve seen. I’m including it here because I want everyone to actually read the whole thing. Enjoy! Having moved the RNC from Charlotte, North Carolina to Jacksonville, Florida, and then having been forced to cancel his plans for a huge rally due to coronavirus, Trump […]
