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Category Archives: Irony

bizarre and ironic

Reasons to be Gay!

How gay can you get? Because there is recent news that should make gay people even happier (you might say more gay!). First, despite the fact that the Republican Party is losing moderates, and becoming more socially conservative, a new poll (based on over 50 thousand telephone interviews during 2020) shows that for the first […]


Having a Bad Day

We’ve had two mass shootings in less than a week. In the first one, a white man shot up three different spas around Atlanta, where 6 of the 8 people killed were of Asian descent. The local police spokesman said the shooter was “having a bad day”. In the second one, a man with a […]


InfoWars Surrenders

Alex Jones on a leaked video. Posted by the Southern Poverty Law Center.


An Apology

This is making the rounds on the Internet: I owe my 45-supporting friends an apology (?). I’ve been critical of the trump presidency these last four years, and am still exhausted from the experience. But to be fair, president trump wasn’t that bad, other than when he incited an insurrection against the government, mismanaged a […]


Capitalism vs. Socialism?

There is an important side story about what just happened in Texas with their (not completely unpredictable) freezing weather, and the collapse of their electrical grid. The story we are being told is that Texas deregulated their energy system in 1999, using the promise that this would increase competition, provide consumer choice, and thus lower […]



May Rush Limbaugh rest in peace. Not just peace for him, but for the rest of us. According to Electoral-Vote, the loss of Limbaugh may be especially bad news for a few right-wing pundits: We also wonder if this is an early reflection of how the loss of Rush Limbaugh will impact the right-wing media. […]


No Pain, No Gain

Rick Perry, former governor of Texas and former Secretary of Energy, said “Texans would be without electricity for longer than three days to keep the federal government out of their business.” Of course, what would Perry know about energy? Ironically, the Department of Energy’s main job is to manage our nation’s nuclear stockpile, not to […]


Who Died?

Vox has an interesting interactive infographic showing just who has died from Covid-19 in the US, broken down by age, race, and region (urban vs. rural). We already understand that people of color are twice as likely to die from the pandemic than white people. But did you know that even though the elderly are […]



The Republicans were too chickenshit to convict Trump, even though most of them admitted that he is guilty. So they let him off on a technicality (and a pretty lame one at that). I think we have uncovered a pretty severe flaw in our political system, but I have no idea how we can fix […]


A Better Economic System

A fascinating article in Time Magazine talks about ways that cities are changing their economic systems. They focus on Amsterdam, but it turns out that there are cities all over the world that are doing this. This is related to the rise of “B Corporations“. Most corporations are “C Corporations” (although there are also “S […]


Progressives aren’t Progressing fast enough

This post probably isn’t about what you think it might be about from the title. It is about the curious fact that countries and US states with conservative leaders are doing a better job of getting people vaccinated than countries with progressive leaders. This comes from an interesting article in (of all places) the NY […]



The Republican Party is destroying itself. Here are the results of a survey comparing the net favorability of several GOP congresspeople. That’s right, Marjorie Taylor Green is the new congresscritter who is racist, Islamophobic, and anti-Semitic, believes in QAnon and that the presidential election was stolen, blames the wildfires in California on Jewish laser satellites, […]


The not-so-invisible hand of the free market

Can somebody explain why I’m getting most of my information about the whole GameStop story from humorous comics? For example, the same thing is now being done to silver futures. And gold futures might be next. Let me be clear, I’m not saying that the manipulation of GameStop’s stock is a good thing. The only […]


What Trump Supporters Like About Him

This is a fascinating video listing 12 things (or accomplishments) that Trump supporters like about him. It also adds two additional things. Watch until the end to see how it all turns out. After you watch the video, here’s the link he talks about. But definitely watch the video first.



First, Trump had a very hard time finding lawyers to defend him in his impeachment trial. Now he is bleeding the few lawyers he was able to find. Five of his lawyers quit on Saturday night. And the Senate has a deadline of Tuesday for Trump’s lawyers to submit a memo laying out his defense, […]
