Senator Jeff Merkley explains how Donald Trump looks, talks, and acts like a Russian asset. And as they say, if you look like a duck, talk like a duck, and act like a duck, then you are a duck. I’m sure you can think of other things that point toward Trump being a Russian asset, […]
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French Senator Claude Malhuret, in a short 8-minute speech, lays out the crimes of Trump and Putin, and what should be done to fix it. This should be watched by every American. Yes, it is in French, but it has (large, easy to read) subtitles. As one comment said, “this is a speech that will […]
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Well, there isn’t much good news now that Trump is president again, but there is one thing that I would count as a “silver lining”. Jon Stewart is back. Really back. Last night, Stewart gave his “longest Daily Show monologue, ever!“ It is pure Jon Stewart, both hilarious and scary in just the right measures. […]
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Friday, February 21, 2025
I don’t agree with some things Bernie Sanders says, but I agree with everything he says in this video, and I’m really glad he is speaking out like this.
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I wanted to change “Hail” to “Jail”. But that would just be wishful thinking, as TFG got off with no jail time, no probation, and not even a fine. However, he is now – and forever will be – a convicted felon (if it makes you feel any better, he is a convicted felon 34 […]
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Thursday, December 26, 2024
Spewing hate and vengeance!
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Saturday, December 7, 2024
MAGA types seem to only care if they can cause liberals to lose. Ironically, they don’t seem to notice that this will also make them lose even more than the liberals do! Currently, Red states get more government handouts than Blue states. If Trump cuts those handouts, it will hurt more Republicans than Democrats. Another […]
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Thursday, November 7, 2024
According to The Washington Post, women in the US are taking matters into their own hands. They are looking into a movement in South Korea called 4B. “For some women in the United States, the election on Tuesday was a referendum on women’s rights, with reproductive freedoms hanging in the balance. So with Donald Trump — who […]
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Tuesday, November 5, 2024
If you are planning to spend election day just waiting for results, well, you will probably be waiting for a long time. But here is something that might just make you feel good about America, and ironically, it is from a gay man. It is just under an hour long, so it will stop you […]
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I have a soft spot in my heart for Bernie Sanders, even though I often disagree with some of his desired policies. Here’s a video from today that I totally agree with, and also shows why he has a place in my heart.
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Wednesday, October 30, 2024
Jimmy Kimmel has a special monologue for you to send to Trumpy Republicans you know. It is actually pretty sweet. Kimmel says: “Tonight’s monologue is for Republicans. If you have someone in your life who is either planning to vote for Trump or thinking about it, please send this to them. Ask a Republican you […]
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Saturday, October 26, 2024
Another good video from the Lincoln Project: Which reminds me of a quote from Samuel Adams, one of our founders, “To have a villainous ruler imposed on you is a misfortune. To elect him yourself is a disgrace.”
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Saturday, October 12, 2024
Hilarious video from Jimmy Kimmel. But probably not safe for work. In addition to Trump farting while blustering at a rally, and claims that the Democrats can control the weather (if that were true, then Mar-a-Lago would have been swept out to sea a long time ago). There is also some fishy business (named Trumpy […]
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Saturday, September 21, 2024
I’ll just say it up front: every American should watch this interview with Mark Cuban. Cuban has a lot of important things to say, about Trump (including the debate with Harris, and about Roy Cohn), why the heck Elon Musk is supporting Trump, and why lower-class white people like Trump, even though Trump has no […]
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Friday, September 20, 2024
Stranger than fiction: A Christian who thinks ALL women shouldn’t vote, wants to bring back slavery, calls himself a “Black Nazi”, and spends a lot of time watching porn. And he’s running to be the governor of North Carolina (he’s currently the Lt. Governor). We’ve heard this before: Rudy Giuliani stumps for Trump. Yawn. Pretty […]
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